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Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
Thérèse by Maya Hawke

Aiden walked up to Elaine, "Can I sit with you?"

'No.' "...Sure." The ravenette moved her legs off the seat, making room for the blonde. 'If i put my headphones on, maybe he wont talk to me.' She reached down into her backpack for them, only for a Rubik's cube to fill her vision.

"Wanna try?" He asked, holding a four by four, unsolved Rubik's cube up to her. "If not, I have more." The red eyed boy unzipped his backpack, showing a buttload of travel sized puzzles.

Elaine's eyes widened a bit at the amount. 'What the fuu..' "Like this." Aiden completed the Rubik's cube in less than a second, this made her go dumbfounded. He held the cube up to her, which she took.

Taylor leaned over the back the their seat, "Can I try one?" She beamed.

"Sure." The blond turned around and smiled, holding the bag up to her.

Taylor had a infinity shaped puzzle. Aiden, Elaine and Ashlyn stuck to Rubik's cubes. Logan read a book that he bought with him. Ben wrote in his journal. Tyler played on his phone.

Three hours into the ride Elaine had her bluetooth headphones on, while Aiden had his head rested on her shoulder, repeatedly saying: "Are we there yet?" The ravenette held down the volume button, on her phone, all the way up, even when it was at its loudest point.

"Are we there yet?"


"Finally! We're finally here!"

'Longest eight hours of my life.' Elaine walked off the bus, sliding her headphones around her neck. She stood beside Ben, texting her dad that she got there safely.


Elaine cringed at the sound of Ashlyn popping her back. "Alright, everyone don't go too far out, make sure to be back here at five, and if anything happens call us immediately!" Mr. Thomas announced to the class, which was more than enough for Elaine, so she put her headphones back around her head.

'Hmm. Spooky.' She looked around the area, 'cool.' A small smile found its way to her lips. "Laine! Ash! You comin!" Aiden yelled out to the two girls.

"Dont calling me that." Elaine gritted her teeth, her smile fading, and moved one of the speakers off of her ear.

"Stop calling me Ash." Ashlyn mumbled, walking next to the ravenette.

"What should we do first?" Logan asked, fiddling with his hands.

"Well, we haven't eaten since we stopped for lunch a few hours ago." Taylor said, walking next to her brother. "We can get some food and talk about what to do while we eat." She requested.

"Sure." Tylers eyes didn't leave his phone.

"Sounds like a good idea." Aiden smiled at the idea.

"Welcome to The Palace Diner." A curly haired lady spoke with a smile. "How many?"

[Seven] Ben held up seven fingers to the waitress.

She nodded and picked up the menus for the group and led them to their booth. "This way, please."

The teens sat down at the round booth, but Elaine stooped the waitress before she left, "Can we get one kids menu, please?" She whispered, pointing to the blond boy, who tried to balance his knife and fork into a triangle.

The lady nodded with a small grin and walked away.
"What did you do?" Taylor whispered to the girl.

The hazel eyed girl put her headphones back around her neck, "Just wait." She smirked, picking up her menu. The brown eyed girl let out a giggle, doing the same.

"What should we do? We have around two hours." Tyler said, putting his menu down.

"Hey, Elaine?" Ashlyn called out, "You're mom lives around here, right?" The waitress came back with the kids menu and walked away.

The ravenette grabbed the adult menu from the blondeand handed him the other menu with crayons. "Yeah, why?" She looked at the redhead.

"So that means you would know some places around here." Taylor cut in with an exited smile, leaning her elbows on the table.

Now Elaine was uncomfortable. Everyone at the table was staring at her and the topic had her mother involved, which made it worse. Now, now, dont get me wrong, Elaine Adams doesn't hate her mother. She just has a strong disliking towards her.

"Laine?" She snapped back to reality when she heard her 'name'. "You okay there?" Aiden asked softly.

She cleared her throat awkwardly, "Uh, yeah. I know a few places."

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

Elaine's phone buzzed, sending small vibrations through the table. She turned the device over to see who was calling and her face went pale. "Speak of the devil, I gotta answer this." She stood up from the booth. "If the waitress comes back, order me a Dr. Pepper." She walked outside the restaurant and picked up the phone.


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