2.14| BERLIN

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part fourteen


Now playing
Berlin by RY X

The hazel eyed teen groaned lowly, sitting up in the king sized bed. She squinted her eyes at the moonlight that hit the bedroom window, showing the time of night. Her tired eyes looked down at her right seeing her roommate turn on her side, facing the door.

'Emma?' She looked at the girl, a confused expression spread across her features. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit the ravenette causing her to hold her head.

Ignoring the feeling, she looked around the motel room once more. 'Are we..back?' The nauseating feeling hit her again, along with a weak throbbing pulse in her leg. She then pulled the covers off her lower body, showing the uninjured limbs.

'No marks?' Her mind flashed back to when she was first grabbed on the bus hallucination and being chased by the black, goo framed monster. 'Was it just a...

...really freaky nightmare? Or is this a dream?'

She bit her tongue as her heart started to pang against her chest, she gripped her shirt over her heart and leaned against the wooden headboard. Her eyes squeezed shut, she breathed in through her nose and out her mouth in a repetitive manner, calming her pulse. 'Calm down. Calm down.'

A familiar feeling stirred in the girl's stomach, uncomfortably, before she stood suddenly and darted her way to the single bathroom. 'Fuck that.'

Reaching the bathroom, the stood over the sink, turning on the faucet. She held her hands out under the water in a bowl shape, filling it with the cool liquid, she leaned down and brought it to her mouth drinking the water.

Dashing into the room, Taylor and Ashlyn immediately began to throw up into the toilet and shower. While Elaine continued to drink the water, hoping that the drink would work, this time, to stop her from doing the same at the two girls.

"Tay..Ashlyn- Elaine..?" The blonde said groggily, rubbing her eyes. "Are you guys okay?" Shock shot through her body, realizing what was happening in the moment.

"Elaine, Ashlyn! Taylor! Are you in here!?"

Aiden ran into the room, smile spread across his face. "Ah! Found 'em!" He shouted, scaring the blonde at the doorway. He looked down at the shorter girl confused, "Wait, aren't you supposed to be dead or somthin'?" The girl sweatdropped at his words.

"Move-!" Tyler pushed Aiden out of the way, relieved sigh left his lips when he saw that his twin was okay. Instantly, his brows furrowed together when he felt the wave of nausea hit him, along with the blond male.

"Ah, I feel another wave coming on-"


"I still think we should go back to Savannah." The brunette male spoke, leaning his head on his arm that rested on the lunchroom table.

The redhead's foot tapped against the tile floor, "..alright," her head in her hand. "Lets take sone time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight."

"Why not after school?" "I have ballet practice."

"So what? Skip." He persisted.

Taylor cleared her throat, "Uh, Ty...we have stuff to do after school too. You have basketball practice and I have a mechanics meeting." She said to her brother.

"I- um, I have to help with the flower shop today..." Logan's voice wavered as he spoke.

Elaine ran her hand through her hair. "And I have to pick up something for my dad's workshop." Her voice raspy as she spoke.

The brunette girl nodded, proving her point. "See? They're busy too."


𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now