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Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
American Idiot by Green Day

"The subliminal mindfuck America." Elaine hummed along to the song that blasted through her ears, sitting crisscrossed on the bus seat, copying Aiden's homework answers onto her own paper.
"Red neck agenda..."

"Hey, Ash." The blonde spoke as the ginger girl sat next to the ravenette in their shared seat. "Last night was rough, huh? Laine has my homework if you wanna copy." He smiled.

"Here." Elaine handed Ashlyn the paper, closing her binder and slid it in her book bag. The girl simply nodded as the other leaned her head against the window, wanting to get a little bit of sleep before school.

"Good morn-" Mr. Thomas spoke, while four drained teens walked through the classroom door. All with matching dark eye-bags and slouchy posture. "-ing?" The Hernandez twins slouched in their desks. Logan leaned back tiredly. Ben, Aiden, Elaine, and Ashlyn yawned as they walked to their seats.

"Everyone get your homework out, please..."


"Laine~" A singsongy voice sang lowly. "Laine!"
Out of instinct, a fist came flying at the voice's face, only to be dogged. "Careful." Aiden smiled.

"Sorry." The hazel eyed girl sighed, lifting her head from her dest from sleeping the whole period. She packed her bag for her next class. "Not really." She added, and followed the group, wrapping her bag around her shoulder.

"Dont be." Tyler mumbled. "That's the best part of you having those crazy fast reflexes, punching him." He half joked with droopy eyes.

"Hey! That was one time!" "Kidding."

The group of seven sat together, quiet, nobody daring to break the tension between the table.
Ben laid his head in his arms. Taylor munched at her lunch, along with Logan and Tyler. Ashlyn leaned against her arm. Aiden played with his food, making a fortress out of his mash potatoes and fries, Elaine played with a guitar pick, in her pocket, leaning against the wall next to her.


"I think we should go back to Savannah." Tyler broke the silence. Everyone gave him either a glare or a confused look.

Logan gulped, "I thought we agreed that it was too dangerous...?" He sweat dropped.

"So what?" The twin boy snapped. "We're just supposed to let things stay like the way they are?" He huffed.

"I'd rather be semi-stuck than permanently stuck." Ashlyn avoided eye contact with the boy, pushing around the food on her tray.

Elaine hummed, "Agreed." Was all she said, pulling the pick out of her pocket and put it in between her teeth.

"Well maybe, if you would've told us the truth from the beginning, we wouldn't be stuck at all!" Tyler glared at Ashlyn.

"Like that would've made a difference at all." Elaine grumbled, making the boy whip his head in her direction.

"Would you stop?" "No."

"I already explained why I didn't-" Ashlyn started.

Aiden cut her off, "Aren't you one to talk." He spoke to Tyler, still playing with his food. "You're the one that brushed it off as some sort of prank and walked off. If she had said anything, would you have believed her?" He taunted. "With your personality, I seriously doubt it."


The boy stood from his seat, "Whether I would have believed it or not, she should've said something!" His hands smacked against the table, "Now we're stuck in some demonic dimension, running away from flesh-eating deadly creatures!"

"I can't tell you how many near-death experiences I've had, none of us have slept in days, we cant tell our parents or any-!"

Ben banged his fist against the table, startling the twins. He put a finger over his lips, shushing him.

Tyler gaped, realizing his mistake. He sat back down in his seat between his sister and Elaine, "If we don't go back to Savannah, where this cycle began... then what else are we supposed to do?" He muttered.

Everyone gave him silent stares, Aiden with a small smile.


𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now