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"Elaine, you wont win." A small version of Tyler spoke lowly, a paintball gun in his arms. Peering around a wall corner. "Just admit defeat and come out." His body was covered in rubber armor, a thick helmet covering his head. Red themed.


One shot in his back and another on the back of his head. "Hey! Who- oh come on!" A smaller version of the ravenette girl stood, also wearing the same armor but in blue.

"Can't keep up!" She laughed, shooting two more kids in her vicinity. She sauntered past the brunette, a smirk on her face. "Five-three. Loser." She held up five fingers on one hand and three on another, showing the points she had versus his amount.

Just when they were going to be tied, she got another point. That's what she tended to do in competitions. Tyler knew her strategy.


Elaine was shot in her arm. She looked down at the splatter of paint on her right arm then up at the shooter. There stood Taylor Hernandez. Wearing the same armor as the others who were playing paintball, though her's was in green.

"Go Taylor! Yeah!" Tyler cheered on his twin sister.

"Dang it!" The eight year old girl shouted but shrugged it off, "I still got you out." She laughed at the brunette boy in front of her who hit her atop her armored head. Both walked out of the arena, poking jokes at each other.


'Tyler, where the fuck are you?!' Elaine's thoughts screamed, the bike pushing her farther into the wooded area; until she reached the cliff. 'Oh, no.'

Her eyes caught the tampered grass that stopped at the rock edge. Her heart sank when she saw the skids of blood on the rock. 'There has to be a way down there without becoming a human kebab!'


"She dribbles." An eleven year old ravenette girl spoke, basketball in her hands; bouncing it off the ground while running across the waxed court.

A twelve year old brunette boy ran towards her, both slowing when they reached each other. Elaine dribbled the ball between her legs, moving to her left slightly; Tyler going to his right.

The girl jerked back to her right, running past him. "She jukes." She taunted, the boy chasing after her. She went for the quarter court shot, "She sc-!"

"She misses!" The ball missed the hoop. Tyler laughed, running after the ball that bounced away. "Give it up everyone for the LOSER! Elaine MAGNOLIA Anders!" He shouted into the empty gymnasium, echoing. The only other person there, other than the two, was, Tyler's twin sister, Taylor.

"You gonna gloat or are you actually gonna make a shot, 'cause, unlike me, you haven't made a single basket." The hazel eyed girl placed her hands on her hips.

"Just admit it, Ty! You can't beat her!" The brunette girl on the sidelines shouted at the boy.

"Yeah yeah." The boy waved her off as they both made their way to center court. He passed the ball to her, it bounced between them. She passed it back and the game started. "It's worth a shot, though!"

Tyler ran past the girl, dribbling the ball down by the edge. Dangerously close. So close that he could go out of bounds.


So close to the edge of the cliff, she could fall off. The motorcycle tilted down, towards the edge. 'Dont fuck up. Dont fuck up. Dont fuck up!' Elaine and the bike fell off the cliff, driving down the rocky wall,



Knuckles busted, nose bleeding, face bruised. Elaine sat in the nurses office, age twelve, her arms crossed while she waited to be seen by the lady inside. Even though, nobody else was in the waiting area.

"You idiot!" Tyler bursted through the door, "You a WWE fighter now?!" He dropped down in the seat beside her.

Okay. Now there was another person.

"Oh, fuck off! You would've done the same thing!" The girl slouched farther into the seat to where Tyler had to look down to speak to her.

The boy tilted his head, "What happened exactly?" He asked, genuinely curious. He sat up straight in the foam-filled cushion seat. She didn't reply. "Maggie. What happened?" He nicknamed.

Elaine sighed, "Barron was bullying Logan again." Tyler's eyes widened then fell into a confused squint,

"Who's Logan?" She rolled her eyes.

"Little nerdy kid. Always wears the sweater vests. Green rimmed glasses." She described the boy, "Y'know, the one that did his science project about the solar system last week.."

Tyler nodded his head, the memory of the boy coming back to him. "Ah, Logan. Fields, right?"

"I think." She shrugged. "Anyway, Barron was picking on him; which is fine, I guess, but then he started throwing punches and It got messy and I got in the mix." She rambled.

"And you threw Barron into the lockers...MY locker, mind you." The brunette glared playfully at her.

"That sounds like a you problem." She gave him a knowing look, he rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway, how bad does he look now?" Right when he said, a short haired brunette stepped out of the nurses office; his arm wrapped in bandages and a brace, bandaged lip and eyebrow. Two large, purple bruises on both sides of his face.

When his eyes found Elaine's, he glared as he walked past. All the girl did was grin and shot him a bird. When he was out the door, Tyler bursted out laughing. His hand over his mouth, eyes wide.



"AIDEN?!" Taylor gasped, clutching onto Ben, tears in her eyes. "Where's Elaine?!" All remaining heads, except Ashlyn's, who looked through the rear view mirror, to the blond who just climbed through the back window.

"She went back...for Tyler.." He mumbled, looking down.


[ end of season one ]

[ season two ]
[ coming soon ]

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now