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Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys

Elaine took a small detour to get away from the hallway chaos. She walked up the her homeroom, schedule in hand. "Room 201." She walked through the door seeing that they have assigned seats this year. Spotting her name, she sat at her desk at the front left and looked at the names around her.

Ashlyn was sat behind her, as always, from their last names. Beside her said 'Aiden C.' and 'Ben C.' "Please no." She prayed to herself, taking a sip from her, half empty, Monster. Elaine tapped her fingers against the desk, following the rhythm of the song that played in her left ear.

The redhaired girl walked in the room and did the same as the ravenentte, letting out a small sigh.

"We wouldn't be late if you would have helped instead of recording!" Yelling was heard outside the classroom door. Two identical students barged through the doorway.

"Sorry we're late!" "Please dont mark us tardy!"

"Where's your shoe?" The teacher spoke. "You should find that after class."

"Yes sir." The male twin sweat dropped.

"Go ahead and find which desk has your name on it and take a seat." The teacher ordered as the two boys from earlier trailed behind him. "Sorry, I'm late everyone. These two are new to the school, so make sure to give them a warm welcome." He smiled.

Ashlyn ducked her head in her arms and Elaine avoided eye contact by looking out the window.

"You guys can take a seat as well." The teacher motioned to the two empty desks. "Let's begin with introductions, shall we? We'll go in alphabetical order." He picked up a dry erase marker and wrote his name on the white board. "When its your turn, state your first and last name and something bout yourself. For example, my name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class."

"I look forward to being with you all." Mr. Thomas beamed. "Lets start with you." He pointed to Elaine.

She stood from her seat, "My name is Elaine Anders, I work part time with my dad at his workshop."

"Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs." She said quickly.

"I'm Aiden Clark, I like bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-"

Ben laid his head down on his desk.

"Hello, I-The-uh... Logan Fields." He murmured. "I mean, I'm Logan Fields- I..uh enjoy astrology."

"I'm Taylor Hernandez! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance."

"I'm Tyler Hernandez, yes, we're twins. I'm in the baseball club."

And so on.

"Alright, now that introductions are done," Mr. Thomas turned on the projector. "Let's talk about the semester-long group project! Today you'll be choosing your partners for the project and each group should consist of at least six members, no more than seven!" He wrote down on the top corner of the white board.

"Oh and no one will be allowed to work alone."


𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now