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×One Month Later×

Lilith's POV

It has been a month, and it seems I won't be able to find a way back to my world. I already accepted the fact that I was transparent in the Harry Potter world the first time Dromeda brought me to Madam Pomfrey, unfortunately, she wasn't able to help me go back to my world and instead made me drink something that let me remember the memories of this body or is it my own? After all, how can this body not only have the same name but have the same appearance at first when I received the memories I almost had a panic attack but this strange light covered my mind and made me calm down and ever since I tried to adapt to this life through it may seem strange how fast I adapted it also felt natural to be here like I was made to be here. And so it brings us to today. Not only did I learn that I am in a magical world that I used to read, but it seems this body... well my body seems to be very strange she-I seemed to be very intelligent in magic a prodigy, to say the least even though that may be the case it looked like this body was in autopilot before I inhabited it. Like a soulless doll waiting for its owner not only that it almost seem that this body was hidden from everyones view except those it chose such as Dromeda but the moment I entered it I garnered the attention of everyone everywhere I went. Now I know the reason this body used to hide under that cloak the stares I was getting may have overwhelmed someone but fortunately for me I like this attention and since I took over this shell of a body I don't mind using it. After all, this body is the replica of my original and if you have the stuff, flaunt it. And in my original body, I was considered very permiscous now that I have the chance to sample the men who I just used to read in books why not give them a try? I smirked as I observed all the eyes that were racing my body. And what do you have it the Marauders were one of them. As they stared I turned my head and looked at one of my favourite characters the future potion master Severus Snape, yummy. I giggled causing other people at our table to stare and what do you know I'm also a part of the group of snakes oh this would be fun I said as I smirked leaning my body near my cute grumpy cat.

Author's Note:

And this is where the story would go downhill.

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