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No One's POV

That night of the full moon, the shrieking shack was filled with moans and groans instead of the usual screams of pain.

Inside a room, two teens were entangled with one another deep panting was heard from the both of them as the man held the girl down on the floor grinding his growing erection on her uncovered hole to an increasing speed almost bruising but the girl didn't stop him she let him use her like a toy a leaving breathing toy of passion.

"Mahh~ Remus... you're so big~ Are you going to plunge your big dick into me? Ah~" she moaned out as she held her thighs up for him so he could have better access to her *growl* "Do you want it? You look like a slut ready to be pounded opening your legs for me wanting to be filled with my seed." Remus said as he leaned over her continually giving himself a pussyjob gliding his hard and vainy shafts over her wet hole. "Yes...uh yes~ please! I want you to fill me with your cum and destroy my pussy with your cock!" She shouted obscenities as she stared at his growing cock drooling wanting to be pounded by him.

With the way she was begging him Remus's control snapped making him plunge his long shaft into her leaking hole without any warning not letting her adjust to his size as he moved faster and harder inside of her making her cross-eyed with how hard he was plunging his dick into her "Uh~ yes let out all your frustration and anger into me eh-!" As she tried to say, she was cut off when Remus held her feet up and pushed them closer to her head as he spread her wider, making him go deeper inside of her. As he did so, he felt him plunge into her womb with how deep he was entering.

*Squelch squelch* obscene sound came from between her legs as she tried to squeeze his dick not wanting him to pull out. As he continued to penetrate her she felt a growing knot inside of her not wanting to lose her high she pulled on him and took his mouth into her as she reached her climax making her clamp down on his dick. By doing so it also pushed Remus to cum filling her womb.

As Lilith tried to take a breath, the air got stuck in her throat when the long shaft inside her started thrusting again but in a more aggressive and harder way. Adjusting her eyes, she found Remus snarling and growling as he pushed on her deeper, making her open her mouth to let out a loud moan. "Yes yes yes- ah ing~ pound me harder Remi uh~ make me your bitch!" As she did so deep growls came from Remus as his speed increased.

Lilith was trying to hold on to his arms, not wanting to separate from the rod that was pistoning inside of her loving the feeling of being dominated by an out-of-control beast. As she was lost in her ecstasy she felt something changing as the thing inside of her started to grow snaping her eyes open she saw Remus slowly starting to transform as he did so, so did the thing inside of her making her gap at the strange yet pleasurable feeling of being stretched. Seeing as his limbs stretched and grew, claws landed beside her head as it penetrated the floor. Fur started to grow on his body as his face elongated and sharp canines grew on his gums.

As the transformation continued no painful cries were coming out of his lips instead were replaced by pleasured moans and groans that filled the air as the lower half of the wolf continued to go in and out of the leaking and expanding hole below him.

Lilith can't hold herself and shouted with ecstasy as she came on the transforming dick inside of her as she did so the beast above her didn't stop continuously penetrating the destroyed cunt offered to him. As the transformation finished the wolf leaned forward before lifting its upper body hands holding on to the small human below it lifting her as he stood not stopping his penetration inside of her. As he stood Lilith was only supported by its sharp and long hands wrapped around her waist but she was not afraid as she knew he won't hurt her especially since he was enjoying abusing her pussy with the continues pounding of its hips into her.

With the newly shaped falic inside of her, she felt her insides were being moved around as it punctured her womb reputedly to the point she can see her belly protruding because of its cock.

Lifting her arms she wound her hands around its massive head encouraging it to do as it pleased with her body "Oh yes~ I love your cock... I can feel it stretch my inside ready to feel me with your cum until it fills up my pussy. Do you also feel it? How it's taking the shape of your cock Remus? Do you like it?... because I love it!" She said to him as she buried her face on his neck, ready to make him know how good he was making her feel.

And it seems he could because she heard a deep snarl saying, "Mine! Mate!" Smiling in delight as saliva poured out of her lips Lilith agreed to the wolf's declaration as she was being used like a rag doll by the wolf impaling her hard on his red hot swollen cock. "That's right Im yours so feel me with your cum and breed me ok?" She said as she kissed the said of his face their wild and wet cupulation continued for hours and the wolf continued to fill her with his seed. As the night almost came to an end, the wolf finally let go of her pulling his red dick out of her swollen hole. As it did so litters of cum leaked out of her gaping pussy.

Lilith with her eyes crossed and tongue hanging out of her mouth was gently placed by the wolf on the floor. Seeing its cum gushing out of her it growled dissatisfied coming close to her abused pussy it lifted its finger moving it from where its cum was dripping from her leg then scooping it up and plunging his fingers back into her hole making her twitch because of over stimulating the wolf repeated this action until she came again for the last time. Grunting in satisfaction with how he stuffed his seed back into her cunt.

Huffing the wolf, then move around her to place its body beside her, curling itself into her, licking her face before finally settling down as it closes its eyes. As it did so Lilith finally regained her mind and as she looked at the wolf sleeping beside her she grinned lustfully as she patted it with satisfaction and said "Now you know what I did with your friend." Before closing her eyes to rest.

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