Two best friends

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*Black Lake*

No One's POV

Two best friends were hanging out at the lake one sitting down as she stared at the lake, another with Oreo hair lying on her friend's lap, closing her eyes and enjoying the wind. Andromeda looked at the lake as she thought about something looking back at her best friend. She couldn't help but call out, "Hey Lils..." making the girl on her lap hum waiting for her to continue without opening her eyes. "You seem to have changed." Andromeda said as she looked back at the lake. Opening her eyes, Lilith looked at the sky and said, "How so?"You become more... alive? Per say. You seem like a different person yet still the same Lilith Bluerose that I met and befriended." Dromeda said as she lifted a hand to stroke the girl's hair, almost like a mother caring for her child. As Lilith felt the warmth from her hand, she couldn't help but close her eyes again, enjoying the attention of her friend. "Do you not like it?" She then asked after a few silent seconds "No" Andromeda said as she chuckled at the childish behaviour of her friend until she heard her say, "That's good." Looking down, Dromeda found Lilith looking at her with a child-like smile, one with pure joy and affection, moving Lilith nuzzled herself on her abdomen like a cat wanting praise as she muttered "Thank you...Dora." Smiling lightly, Andromeda continued to pet her head as she looked back at the lake.
(A little Dora and Lilith moment for everyone)

(Time Skip)

The two friends were now sitting under a tree somewhere on Hogwarts grounds they were surrounded by their housemates, well mostly Lilith as she was showered by praise and adoration by their house's boys but was being blocked by some very possessive ones who were Evan, Avery, Mulciber, Rosier, Rodolphus, Barty, Regulus and what a surprise the one and only Severus Snape who is being sat on by our Queen though it did take a long time to get him and a lot of potion making later she was satisfied to finally get him away from Lily. Snapping out from her thoughts, she focused back on what Dromeda was saying something about a frog always going missing. As she did so she felt movement behind her as Snape adjusted their position putting his hands around her waist to lift her lightly then placing her back on his lap bringing her closer to him as he tightened his hold on her. "Who knew our little snappy could easily lift me with no effort, I wonder..." Lilith thought as a charming smile filled her lips, making the people around her gawk at her charm, not knowing what dirty and lewd thoughts were running around her mind as she tried so hard not to grind herself on the said person. As she was focused on her world, her overly possessive admirers became even more aggressive with trying to push the other boys away as another came up to their little group.

"My love, I come baring a gift." Said Malfoy as he held a black box in his hand as he arrived in front of her he knelt and opened the box for her, showing her an emerald necklace. (Refer to the pic) "What a cute necklace Lucy," Lilith said as she was at the present remembering how things went down with Lucius.

(Lucius Malfoy)

(Lucius Malfoy)

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*Flash Back*

"Fuckkkk!" Lilith was screaming on her pillow, wanting to smack herself for what she did. "What have I done..." she muttered repeatedly as she rolled over to face the ceiling. "Dromeda is going to kill me!" She said, running her hands over her face in frustration, but before she could continue, her breakdown frantic knocking was heard, then someone called out."Lilith, open the door this instance!" She heard the very familiar voice of her friend Andromeda Black. Panicking, she hid under her covers and shouted, "I'm sleeping!" There was a short pause before she heard the lock click and the opening and closing of the door as Dromeda entered the room. Panicking, she tried to pretend to sleep, but before she could close her eyes, she felt a hard pinch on her side, making her jump in pain. "Awww! What was that for?" She yelled before clamping her mouth shut as she saw how Dromeda stared her down. "You know what you did, know spill!" Andromeda crossed her arms as she stared at Lilith. She tried to not look at her best friend's scary gaze but was too scared of her so she blurted out, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- well kind of- well more really didn't mean to Dom Malfoy I was just caught up in the moment and I ..." But before she could finish, she was halted by Dromeda's shriek."Did you just say you slept with my sister's fiancee?!" "" As Lilith tried to say, she was pounced on by Dromeda expecting to get pinched again she braised herself, but instead, she found Dromeda giving her a death hug. Confused, Lilith looked at Dromeda, and then she suddenly let go, making her fall on her bed. "Thank mother, Merlin, for that!" "What?"Lilith asked as she watched Dromeda celebrating by jumping around her room.

*Flash Back Ends*

Well, it seems like Dromeda didn't like Malfoy that much, especially for her sister. Lilith shook her head as she looked back at the necklace. "Can someone please put it on me?" She asked as she lifted her hair so that they could put the gems on her neck as she did so Lucius and Severus glared at each other wanting to be the one who put the necklace on her as they did so they didn't see someone taking the jewellery and putting it on Lilith's neck hearing her say thanks the glaring teens swiftly move their heads to look back at her seeing her give a peck on the lips to Regulus Black as he smiled lovingly at her.

Regulus felt death stairs at his back as he basked at the effection "his girl" gave him. Though he knows he isn't the only man she has, he seems to not mind as the important thing to him is that she doesn't leave him... not like his brother.

Lilith's POV

I admire the necklace on my neck with a mirror that was transfigured by Reggi as I do so I hear arguing beside me knowing that the boys were fighting again I don't give them any mind as I focus on myself. But I was interrupted when Dromeda sat beside me and said, "It's amazing how you were able to wrap them around your fingers in such a short time, Lith." I smirk hearing her say, "Well, it's not my fault that I'm good in bed." I said as I wiggled my eyebrows at her making her laugh which also made me join her as we slowly calmed down she said "But really Lils it seems they are after more than your body they seem a bit how do I say it obsessive?" Sa said as she lowered her voice so that only the two of us could hear as she gave the boys the side eye. "Don't worry, Dromeda, it's just a bit of fun eventually. This will all stop." I said greening at her, seeing her nod, but she didn't look convinced."If you say so... but Lilith, please be careful, ok?" Seeing her worried I can't help but give her a reassuring hug and say "Ok. "

No One's POV

As they both let go, Lilith pulled Andromeda up as they left the commotion behind, not knowing that a surten wolf was watching them.

Author's Note:

Ok, so this story was inspired by my horniness and since I'm currently not horny then the updates may take a while.

But I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this and even voting.

I actually have one smut scene that inspired this whole book, but I won't be publishing it until I'm satisfied with where the story is at.

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