No strings attached

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No One's POV

"We are doing this just for fun. There will be no strings attached, so you and I could just pretend that this never happened. I can do as I please with any other person I like while you can continue to chase your precious Lilipad. We could keep this rendezvous our little secret no one needs to know. If we continue to do this, we will just take it as enemies with benefits. Do you agree?" Lilith declared, looking at the stunned face of James seeing that he was taking long to reply Lilith was about to push him away but before she could even do so James held her hand and agreed without thinking that by doing so he would regret this very moment of his life. Seeing him agree Lilith smiled the most charming smile she could give him making his heart skip a beat but before he could evaluate his feelings his thoughts were clouded by lust as he watched her undress her top pulling it away leaving her with only her skirt and panties.

James POV

Before he can react, he is pulled by the nape closer to her, feeling something soft on his lips his eyes widened tasting sweet honey flavour, reacting fast, he responded to her kiss devouring her mouth as if trying to suffocate her as he did so he wraps his hands around her waist pulling her flush against him making Lilith gasp and allow him to plunge his tongue into hers. As they fought for dominance, he felt fingers running against his hair while the other pair moved down his chest, tugging on his top. Helping her, he moved a bit to let her start unbuttoning his shirt as she did so he couldn't help but move his hand going in between her thighs to her soaked underwear putting his fingers in between the straps he pulled her panties giving her a bit of a wedgie just enough to give her pleasurable friction and by hearing her heavy breathing he knows his doing the right thing moving his other hand behind her he did the same thing as he did with the front but this time he pulled it back making her buckle and push her breasts towards him to steady herself panting she muttered near his ear "Naughty naughty Jammy umh~" wanting to hear more of her moans he tighten his hold on her underwear and pulled back and forth grinding her panties on her cunt giving him what he wanted, unrestrained moans from her mouth.

No One's POV

As James was focused on trying to hear Lilith's moans, he didn't realize that he was already in a state of undress his top was pulled to his arms, reviling his toned body until he felt her hand pull out his dick from his loose pants stroking his shaft with the same speed that he was pulling her underwear but was stopped by her sudden withdrawal which also paused his actions. James looked back at Lilith in a daze. "What's wrong?" He asked. Ignoring his question, Lilith pushed his chest with her feet, making him take a few steps backwards. After doing so, she slipped off the table, facing her back to him, she lay her upper body on the table, her butt rising to face him. Rolling up her skirt, she tilted her head to look back at him and say, "I want you to take me from the back. Can you do that for me, James?" She said almost like a command as she pulled her ruined underwear to the side showing him her awaiting cunt.

Gulping down his saliva, James nodded as he came closer to her, placing his hands on her hips slightly, lifting her, making her rise on her toes to cooperate with him. Her entrance is now facing his hard shaft, only a thrust away from penetrating. Feeling the hard object near her entrance, Lilith buckled her hips, grinding slightly on his swollen head, making him grip her waist, preventing her from moving as he gasped for air. After gaining his bearings, he took a deep breath before slowly thrusting his dick into her awaiting pussy James continues to push both of them panted like animals after fully sheathing himself within her tight and warm walls James can't help himself and kiss down her neck to her spine and back again before he started thrusting his hips making both of the moan and groan.

Soft and steady thrusting accompanied by lewd and wet sounds came from the two of them. "Uh... James, you feel so good~" moaned out Lilith with each thrust the boy behind her made. While the said boy groaned out her name, saying how tight she feels this continued until James saw his disregarded wand a few inches away from the duo with eyes red James reached out for it leaning over the girl and pushing her breast harder on the table as he continues to thrust into her, confused Lilith lifted her head to see what he was doing until she saw him holding it in his hand his wand still covered in her cum. Raising a brow, Lilith disregarded his actions until she felt something else poking at her pussy then that thing entered her making her let out a gasp "Ahh ~"Looking back at James she saw him trusting with his wand now plunge back into her drooling hole tightening from the erotic sight.

Because of the arousing sight of his cock and wand coupled with the stunned eyes and tightening pussy of the girl under him. James couldn't hold himself back anymore and penetrated her faster and deeper making his wand shift between them while he held her waist higher to meet his thrusts by doing so Lilith's feet were lifted off the ground with his strength making her almost face plant on the table but she was able to catch herself and slightly twist her upper body to face him frowning, seeing that he almost hurt her he felt bad and leaned in towards her lips and gave her a sloppy french kiss while muttering apologies as he continued to accelerate his thrusts.

Feeling that she was close, she moaned out, "Ja-james... I'm ah~ close uhngh~" Hearing her words James' movement became more harsher and rapid having unusual thoughts of wanting to cum together "Hold it a little bit mh~ I'm also close." As he said so he leaned over to give her a peck as he felt himself reaching his limit and said "I'm cumming!" As he did so he sucked on one of her nipples biting a bit while one of his hands went to rub her clit to push her to her own high "James! James, I'm cumming ah~!" As she screamed out he felt her tighten making him release his own filling up her womb with their mixed cum because of the strength of her orgasm Lilith squirted pushing out his wand making it fall to the ground but James didn't mind as he marvelled at the sight before him, Lilith undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts was a panting mess (though he could say the same thing with regards to himself) in the library impaled on his dick with his cum filling her pussy.

Lilith's POV

She watched him get stuck in his thoughts as she tried to gather her bearings feeling his cock still twitching inside of her she can't help but think about her next target "I wonder if I should stick to another marauder or look for someone else.." If James was able to read thoughts, he might have had an outburst from too much anger or discomfort, but because he couldn't, he would forever stay ignorant of her plans.

As Lilith contemplated, she didn't see James wipe his droll and lean in front of her. When she felt something wet gliding over her chin to her lips, she was pushed out of her thoughts when she realised what happened. The boy already pulled away after licking her droll. Looking back up to the boy, she raised a brow and said, "What was that for?" Shrugging he replied. "I'm just cleaning up. A bit of aftercare won't hurt." As he said so he pulled her up gently and turned her around to face him, which caused the both of them to moan as they were still stuck to each other, he slapped her ass gently and said " Stop tightening up your already too tight or else your going to break me." Replying she said, "And how is it my fault if you're too big?" Chuckling lightly, he said, "Am I?" Which she nodded to. Seeing her agree with such a serious face, he can't help but think that she is cute. Gently smiling, he leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss, which continued to her neck as he muttered apologies and said that he would be more gentle next time. As he did so, he didn't see the mischievous and triumphant grin that appeared on her face as she encouraged his actions by combing her hand through his hair.

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