Care for magical creatures

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Lilith's POV

(Time Skip)

It was our last class, Care for Magical Creatures, and it was one of the classes that we had with the Gryffindors. I observed the marauders from a distance as they huddled around each other like penguins cuddling for warmth and whispering to each other presumably about another prank.

As I watched them laughing with each other, I caught the eye of one of them, as I stood there hidden from others' view. Continuing to stare at each other, I raced a brow at their intense stare but moved my gaze as Professor Kettleburn approached the class.

"Good morning everyone today we will be learning about chimaeras, so to begin, I would like all of you to follow me." As he said so we followed him deeper into the woods until we heard growling and cains smacking into the ground as we got closer gasps and squeals filled the air.

Standing in front of us was a chained chimaera. Growling and scratching at the ground, trying to release its bindings. "Come on, don't be afraid she is docile. Get around her and get a good view of her." the professor said as the others followed what he said while others hesitated. As the professor started to talk about the creature, my thoughts drifted away, looking at every student present. As I was distracted, I didn't hear the professor call out until he called my name as well as another from the Gryffindors, when I looked back at the front I realized that everyone else had taken a few steps back and it seemed I was one of the ones left behind. I looked at Dromeda and gave her a questioning stare until she mouthed an apology.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to the professor and heard him say, "Ok, can the two of you step up and get one meat to feed her." as he finished I came forward and grabbed hold of the raw meat handed to us without changing my expression hearing a squeak I turned to look at the other student and what do you expect it's the great traitor Peter Pettigrew and what do you know he is pretty cute it seemed the dark side did him bad in the appearance departments well it did turn Tommy into a noseless thing.

Ok, getting out of track, it seemed Professor Kettleburn wanted us to feed his pet. "Ok, gentleman, before ladies go ahead, Pettigrew feeds her." As he said so, Peters's friends cheered him on."You can do it wormtail! Show that overgrown cat what you can do, " one shouted before another interjected."Don't worry, wormy, will princess carry you to the medical ward if you lose a finger... Or arm." I rolled my eyes at their antics as I watched Pettigrew walk or wobble closer to the creature. From what I could tell, it seemed to be avoided with what those idiots said.

As I waited for him to give the meat to the chimaera we heard a loud clank then we saw it get out of its restraints ready to ponce on Petter screams and shouts were heard some of his name and the professor telling everyone to back up. As this was transpiring I was walking leisurely closer to the creature as it opened its mouth ready to bight off a limb or two but as it did so I through the meat that was in my hands directly to it's mouth making it stop and chew on the raw meat as I arrived beside it.

Bringing a hand closer to its face, I heard Dromida shout out "Lilith what are you doing!?" followed by Professor "Bluerose!! Sto-!" but before can finished I held the face of the Chimaera as it continued to chew on its meal not bothered by the lower crunching of bones I stared into its eyes as it did mine we stared at each other for I don't know how long until I moved my hands into its coat running my fingers into its mane as I did so everybody heard a loud rumble as the chimaera slowly laid down bringing me down with her. As I continued to caress her, I felt heated stress directed at me from both Slytherin and Gryffindors.

 As I continued to caress her, I felt heated stress directed at me from both Slytherin and Gryffindors

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