Putting Potter to the Test

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No One's POV

Come on potter what do you like so much about Evans that you won't even have a short fuck? It's not like you're together, and besides, it's just a one-time thing. well unless you want to be rivals with benefits." Lilith smirked at the annoyed bispecled teen as they did their potion work in the dark and quiet library in the middle of the night. "Stop bothering me, Bluerose. I already told you I only like Lily." As James said so Lilith couldn't help but chuckle "Potter I never said you didn't like her I just asked you whether you wanted to have a fuck." She said rolling her wand around her delicate fingers as her other hand supported her face giving him a mischievous wink. "And I told you I already have her in my eyes." He said annoyance rising, "And so? You're not yet together. What's so wrong with having a bit of fun before you start devoting your life to a single person." She said as she leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms and feet as she stared at his face. "No, just finish your work so that I can get out of this place and find my lily pad." He angrily said as he glared at the beautiful lady beside him.

"You're no fun, Potter, and for your information, I have been finished quite a while ago. I was just waiting for you to be done so I could get out of this place." Lilith said placing a hand on her face, stopping a laugh from coming out."What!? How are you done? How can that be we started at the same time how are you faster than me?"  He said, standing up and running around the table standing behind her as he lind over and tried to see if she was telling the truth as he was doing so his eyes suddenly moved to the visible crakes of her uniform making him blush seeing how your cleavage is almost slipping out of your uniform.

Feeling something wet coming out of his nose, he placed his hand out to wipe it and found a bit of blood embarrassed he moved back in a hurry and tried to wipe every drop of blood on his uniform so she wouldn't notice. Going back to his chair in a haist, he pretended that nothing had happened, but the blush on his face said otherwise.

Lilith's POV

"It's really cute how dedicated he is, but unfortunately for their love life, I'm too horny to care, so..." I thought as she grinned mischievously at the bespectacled boy. I stood up slowly, circling my way around the table with a sultry walk, making sure his eyes followed every movement my hips made until he couldn't see me behind him. "I'll make you wild for me, Potter." She thought as she leaned down close to his ear and whispered. "Why not just for tonight Potter let's play a game."

No One's POV

As Lilith whispered near James' ear she bit his earlobe before licking it from the top to the lobe sucking before letting go making him shiver from the warm muscle gliding from his sensitive ear. "I said no, so stop pestering me and just go back to your seat!" He angrily muttered in contrast to his red face and how he was feeling, looking down at his work scribbling aggressively as if he wanted to leave as soon as possible not wanting to be in the same room as her. As he said so there was a short pause with Lilith not saying a word and James feeling a bit distraught not knowing why she stopped bothereding him, actually liking the attention he was getting from such a beautiful girl.

Waiting for a few more minutes he got frustrated and was about to agree with her until all of a sudden she backed away from him and said "Ok" Shocked James faced her almost giving himself whiplash. "Wh-what did you say?" He asked stuttered not believing what he had heard after all from the moment they were signed as partners she was flirting with them almost daily. "What do you mean, ok?" He asks almost seemingly like a lost puppy/ fawn. "I said ok, I won't bother you anymore." She said as she strought back to her chair plopping herself down not bothered to look back at his shocked face. "What? Why?" He asked again almost like a broken clock. Raising a brow at him Lilith said "Didn't you say no? Since you said it yourself why do I need to bother and waste energy on someone who isn't worth it." She said as she stared at his eyes emphasising the fact that she didn't really even care for him and was only a short attraction before she got bored. After doing so she turned around and found a book to read just waiting for him to finish so that she could go back to her dorm. As she did so James placed his hand on his cheast clencing his cloths feelin an uncofortable feeling inside him. Shaking his head he forced him self to focus back on his work but can't help bust stare right back to the lady facing his back at him he continues to alternate from his work to here until he can't take it any more and stood up going closer to her but ash he did so he heard strage noices coming from her as well as something else.

*squelch* "Ahh~"

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