James Potter

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*Somewhere in Hogwarts*

No one's POV

A young boy chases a girl down through the hall carrying a bouquet screaming for her to go out with him "Lily come on, give me a chance. I'll make it worth your while." James Potter declared as he blacked the girl's path, making the girl annoyed, "Can you stop it, Potter? I'm busy at the moment. Can't you find someone else to bother?" Lily Evans spat a repetitive event on the Hogwarts grounds. "Oh, come on, Lily pad just this one time." He said as Lily bypassed him and tried to get to the liberty as James followed.

This was all seen by a girl with long Oreo hair (just search it up if you don't know what it looks like) reaching below her butt. As her Silver eyes watched the show greening, she licked her lips muttering to herself. "I wonder what would happen if I..." as she trailed off when she was hugged at the back by her only friend Dromeda. "Lil's where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you, come along, or will be late for herbology." She nods her head. Lilith turns to face her friend, not replying to her question. "Can you put my cloke in your bag? I don't want to wear it today," she said as she handed her the item. Taking the fabric, Dromeda looked at her confused and asked, "Where is your own bag?" "I don't need to bring it," Lilith said as she walked to her class. "And why is that, what about your books?" her friend asked as she followed her stuffing the clothes in her bag. "I'm smart, D. I could just use yours and I won't have to carry such unnecessary things and besides I already memorised the whole class for this semester." Lilith said as Andromeda muttered, "Oh, right." As the two girls walked to their class, they didn't see a figure following behind them.

Author's Note:
I think my stories are getting shorter... but I promise on *cough* Sirius Jr. *cough* That eventually it will get longer 😚.

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