We are nothing

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No One's POV

After calming down from their makeout session, the two finally decided to clean up and go. Lifting her, forcing Lilith to wrap her legs around his waist, with ease James carried her around, picking up their clothes with no plan to pull himself out of her tight cunt for the time being. After picking up everything, James, holding his wand, muttered a cleaning spell on both the library and themselves before sitting Lilith on another table.

Hesitating for a bit James finally pulled his semi-hard cock from her now gaping pussy that took the shape of his phallic as he did so a turbulent white liquid spilt out of her hole seeing such a sight James can't help but hard. As he had a mental battle with himself, Lilith took this time to say, "Wouldn't it have been more convenient if you cast the spell after you pulled out?" As she held her wand looking at him. Blushing a bit he also agrees with her but he internally wanted to see and know that his cum was floating inside her while wanting to see the current image presented in front of him, with her sitting on the table legs open wide for him cum dripping out from her cunt. Feeling another nosebleed coming, he turned around to reach for her clothes to change her as he did so he heard her say a spell expecting it to be another cleaning spell but stopped when it was a spell he never heard of, turning around he found that she was pointing her wand towards her stomach as a white glow slowly faded. Curious, he asked as he came closer, ready to dress her looking at him she said "It's a pregnancy prevention spell.: hearing her words James tightened his hold on her clothes, feeling a bit uncomfortable not knowing if it was because he didn't remember to that first or because the first thing she did when she got her wand was utter that spell. Shaking his head, he came closer to her, holding up her clothes. As Lilith raised her hand again to cast the cleaning spell on herself, a hand stopped her confusing her. She followed the hand to the boy standing in front of her. "What?" She asked, pausing for a bit, trying to find the right words to say James said in a heist, "Don't do it, it's not hygienic." Looking back at her cum covered thighs and pussy she looked back at him strangely coughing James said "It's much more comfortable and healthier to have a bath." Seeing her unbelieving eyes he continued "I know someone who can get us inside the prefects' bathroom." "Us?" Lilith asked as she tilted her head making him pause and blush but with resolute he said without shame "Yes "us" I also need to clean myself and besides who would help you clean down there." He stated but when he saw she was about to counter his words he hurriedly stuffed her inside her top to move her attention away from the conversation. Seeing this, Lilith stopped her teasing, which also caused him to relax as he helped her clasp her bra and button up her clothes meticulously and gently. Leaning back, she watched him as he fussed over her thinking "Well that was easy." As she was lost in her thoughts James moved to her lower half giving it a last stare he moved her panties to cover up the still cum leaking pussy gulping as his finger brushed over her folds making her underwear wet with their combined liquid. As he finished fixing himself, he lifted her back up, but before her feet could touch the ground, James picked her up in a princess carry. "I can walk, you know." She mused "My cum might spill out and drip on your thighs if you walked so I'll have to carry you." He said making her shrug letting him do as he pleased. And so the night continued with them having more than just a bath in the prefects' bathroom.

[A few Weeks Later]

Their activity continued to happen throughout Hogwarts grounds, but this time around, instead of Lilith flirting with James, you can now find him sticking to her like a tail. Some thought it was just because they were forced to work together, but some noticed other things. Such as how close James tends to stand beside her, how touchy he could be, how he flirts and, in some cases, how he stares at her almost in an obsessive way.

James's POV

But things seemed to have changed for James, though he still continued to chase his lilipad he didn't realize that he tended to ignore her when Lilith was there, recently he also seemed to feel like Lilith was avoiding him when he calls out to her she would eather ignore him and walk away or just look at him and not even talk to him though they still have thier nights of passion he in a way understand that she is board of him making him feel this strange stinging feeling in his chest making him desperate to get her attention back at him and this was observed by his best mates.

Pulling him to the side after they ate, his friends cornered him and interrogated him, "What is wrong with you, Prongs?" Sirious asked as he squished his face between his hands, moving his face from side to side, "What do you mean?" Ha asked, looking at his mates confused."What Padfoot was trying to say was, "Why are you obsesivly chasing Bluerose?" Do you no longer like Lily and instead feel for Lilith?" Remus, clarifed as Sirious agreed with him, stunned James shouted."Of course, I still like Lily, and who said I was obsessed with Lithy?"Just my point, you stopped calling Lily lilipad, and you even gave Bluerose a nickname." Remus stated, followed by Sirious, saying,"And you were looking at her all though out lunch like a posseive dog and I'm the dog in the group." "No I wasn't!" He argued as he crossed his arms, "You were glaring and scowling at any boy that came close to her." Butted wormtail before James could even argue they heard someone say,"We are nothing you could even say were enemies." Turning around they saw the said girl walking towards them. Hearing her words James felt like he was suffocating. "He has someone he likes stop making it harder for him." She finished as she finally stood infront of them. "And why are you doing here?" Sirious said as he glared at her but James pushed his sholder lightly scolding him "Stop it Padfoot!" "Sorry about that but we were just worried about our friend, other than that what are you doing here Bluerose?" Remus said as he watched the girl. "Is that so..." she said as she locked eyes with him making him feel a bit flushed with the way she looked at him. Braking their eye contact she said "I was looking for someone." As she said so James can't help but interjected feeling annoyed with the fact that his friend was stealing her attention "Ye I would have to see you guys later me and Lithy have things to do." As he said so he reached for her hand but was avoided buy her as she corrected him "Actually I'm not here for you Potter I'm here for Pet so if you could excuse us." As she said so she moved to Peter and held his arm in a hug pulling him to follow her. Stuttering Peter waved to his friends and said "I-I'll be going first, see you guys later at class." Seeing their interaion James clenched his fist in anger but was brought out of his thoughts by Padfoot saying he saw Lily near the lake pulling him along.

No One's POV

As the group separated Remus stood at the hall staring at the leving back of his friend and the girl but hearing his other friend call out to him he turned around and followed them, having this strange thoughts in his mind.

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