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No One's POV

A girl was lying inside the forest surrounding her was different types of flowers, and the light was beaming through the leaves of the trees this image would have been peaceful if it weren't for the fact that she was in the dark forest surrounded by deadly yet enchanting creatures.

Silently the girl was thinking about her life here in this era, she wouldn't say that she hated it after all she had a goal to achieve but other than that she had nothing more to do here don't get her wrong she in did was fascinated by the magic and her having read half of the library including the forbidden section wouldn't have said otherwise. But being stuck at the same place made her feel bored.

She truly adores the moments she spends with the people she likes, but she is not the type of girl to be restricted. She wants to explore and meet new people, learn new things, and maybe add another lengthy list of people to her to-do list. Sighing the girl sat up from her position, she asked, "What do you think, Magorian... do you think I'm too ambitious to want to leave?" A centaur slowly walked towards her as she looked back at him, waiting for his response. Who knew having the blood of those creatures would make every other being here in the forest adore her. "It is in your nature to be ambitious, isn't it my lady?" Chuckling, she agreed, now fully facing him she said "Well it appears that my time is up. I have to return. Can you please assist me back, Magorian?" The centaur knelt in front of her he muttered "Anything for you, my lady."

And so Lilith's journey back to Hogwarts was filled with serenity as the centaur carried her until they arrived near the exit of the forbidden forest where they said their farewells.

○Time Skip○

×Room of Requirements×

Two teens were cuddled together as they enjoyed the afterglow of their rigorous lovemaking. The boy was a handsome lad though younger than his brother you could already tell he was on par with his charms though he would rather not be in the centre of everyone's attention not like his brother and his annoying friends. Shaking his head he went back to staring at the girl in his arms watching her as she slept on his chest her lashes covering her silver eyes, her hair splayed behind her, body covered with silk sheets. Lifting an arm, the boy brushed his hand against her back, gliding his fingers against his marks on her skin loving how it made her even more beautiful though he knew he might get confronted by her other lovers he didn't care because this moment was theirs, at this time she was his and her's him. As he continued to stroke her, he didn't see her eyes slowly opening as he was still engrossed in his thoughts.

Seeing one of the men she adores, she can't help herself and lifts her upper body to kiss him, bringing him out of his trance. As he was about to recuperate her kiss, she pulled away, making him frown, which made her giggle as she gave his cheek a peck, then muttered, "Hello Reggy~" Before replying Regulus pulled against her making her fall on top of him one hand beside his head another on his chest, as she was trying not to squish him he leaned forward and kiss every area of her face he started with her forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose, chin, and lastly her lips. After satisfying himself, he pulled away grinning, making the girl on top of him chuckle. "Good morning, princess." Smiling, Lilith said, "It seems you're enjoying yourself." Making him grin from ear to ear as he hugged her lower body and said, "I am, after all, you are with me." Making her smile gently at him, which stunned him after all Lilith rarely showed such a smile which enchanted Regulus, as he was occupied by her smile Lilith gave a kiss on his chest as she rested her head on him enjoying the comfort and security Regulus was making her feel, closing her eyes again she can't help but sigh making Regulus panicked "What's the matter love?" Pausing for a bit, Lilith didn't respond until she finally made up her mind.

Lifting her head, she looked up at him, and said, "Will you hate me if I leave without saying goodbye?" Making him pause, but instead of questioning her or trying to find ways to stop her, he just gently smiles and lifts a hand to caress her cheek and say "Whatever you do I will support you and love you, I will always wait for you until you decide to come back..." As he did so, he paused for a bit as he watched how she leaned on his hand, caressing her, contemplating whether to say the next line but seeing her adoring smile he couldn't help himself as he muttered to himself "Just please... come back to me and don't abandon me..." but he didn't expect for her to hear him, with his eyes filled with hurt and longing. Lilith can't help herself and cradles his face in between her hands, making him shocked but stop as she places kiss after kiss on his lips trying to reassure him saying "*kiss* I *kiss* will *kiss* always *kiss* come back for you Reg... all of you" Hearing her say this, he knows she is not only referring to him, but he can't help but want to believe that she is. Grinning with his eyes filled with love, he said, "I will wait for you... I love you." Hearing this Lilith smiled and nodded as she gave him a passionate kiss, though she didn't respond it didn't falter his love for her instead it made his desire to conquer her heart even stronger. As Lilith was distracted by the growing fire between the two, she didn't see the dark light shining behind the obsessed love-filled eyes of Regulus Black.

Thank you, everybody, for reading, and we are almost close to jumping to the next era.

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