Target Captured

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Lilith's POV

As she asked the boy standing stunned in front of her, she waited for him to get his mind back from the gutter and patted the table behind her when he gave her a confused stare.  "Help me on the table." She said as she waited for him to move, finally snapping out of his trance James moved closer to her almost touching until he held both sides of her hips squeezing lightly having a feel of her before he lifted her onto the table, not minding his actions she positioned her self so that she was sitting on the table with James in between her thighs. Looking back up at him, she watched his reaction as she lifted both her feet on the table, giving him more room to see her entrance better with her skirt rising with her movement presumably because of reflexes James moved closer in between her still covered opening to see it better he can shape out the outline of his wand protruding from her skirt seeing the tip of it as her skirt hiked up but is still mostly covered by the fabric of her uniform making him feel both anticipation and annoyance with something he used to be proud of wearing. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he didn't expect to be assaulted with her arousing sent it was unexpected but not unwelcomed. Seeing that there was no movement from the girl, he looked back up, not knowing that he was looking at her with begging and longing eyes as if he hadn't rejected her a few minutes ago. Rolling her eyes, she looked down back at her skirt, moving her hands to lift the skirt higher so that both of them could see that thing between her legs. Seeing her move, he excitedly moved his gaze back between her thighs, almost drooling in anticipation.

No One's POV

As Lilith's skirt moves up James was finally able to see his wand wet with her juices plunged hilt deep into her small twitching pink pussy James felt something dripping down his chin bringing up a hand to wipe it off he realized it was his saliva embarrassed he tried to look away from her but instead found himself staring back at her hole as his wand started to vibrate with the flick of her wand. As it did so, he can't help himself and kneel down infrunt of her pussy wishing it was something else that was inside of her as he thought so the wand started to move in and out sometimes in circles making the beauty on the table tremble and moan with the conciling spell she wasn't shy and let him hear how his wand pleasured her muttering "oh so long.. hitting my womb~" hearing her James can't help himself and panted like an animal moving his face closer towards the activity happening between her legs, his breath hitting her cunt as he observed how deep and fast his wand was penetrating her as he did so he moved his hand down to his cock pushing away his pants he held his painfully hard dick precum dripping  as he did so he followed the speed and movement of his wand as it thrusted into her hole, as this continued James couldn't control his erge and push his face in between her folds lacking his salivating mouth on her clit suckling on it which also cause his wand to push against him going deeper into her and entering her womb pushing Lilith into her first orgasm of the night.

Gasping Lilith trembled as she came, falling on the table, making herself lose her hold on her wand, stopping the movement of the other wand that was stuck inside of her, relishing her orgasm But before she could calm down the wand between her legs suddenly moved faster and harder insid making her gap and pant lifting her upper body to see what was happening she found James holding his wand thrusting it inside of her as he continued to eat her out with his other hand still pumping his hard shaft staring at her with lustful and obsessive stare making her green internally and think "target captured" not planning to stop him Lilith leaned back on her hand moving the other to his hear caressing him as if rewarding a pet for doing a good job. Enjoying herself, she praised him, encouraging him to continue. "Good boy, James, ah~ make me feel so good~" As if winning the Quidditch cup, James couldn't help but want to please her more so he dug his face deeper into her wanting to hear more until she came the second time around.

Seeing that he succeeded, he waited patiently for his reward still on his knees, with his wand still going in and out of her, but as seconds turned into minutes, he didn't hear anything from the lady blissfully lying on the table not being the patient type he asked, "What about me?" Not realising that he sounds like a begging slave of lust. "What about you?" Looking back at him, Lilith asked seemingly uninterested in him after getting what she wanted. Making him stop his actions and look back at her indifferent stare, realising that he was used, he wobbly stood up with his erect dick in display and pulled his wand out of her pussy a string of cum sticking to it as he moved it away making his cock squirt out a bit of cum from the erotic sight in front of him shaking his head he got himself out of his overwhelming lust to look at her stunned.

Raising a brow, Lilith said, " You said you didn't want to do anything with me, so why would I help you now?" She said as she sat back up on the table pussy still exposed to his sight "I helped you!" He said feeling a painful ache in his chest. "I didn't ask for your help." Lilith retorted as she slowly tried to get off the table but was held down by James as he loomed over her, but instead of showing dominance, his voice let out a pleading and submissive sound saying "Pleads let me feel you, let me enter your hole I want to feel your pussy around my dick I want to know how deep I could go inside of you..." He said as he fell on his knees kissing her inner thighs desperately.

Sighing Lilith entertained him and open her legs wider seeing her cooperating he excitedly kiss his way towards her cunt reaching her puffy folds he kissed them as if he was making out with her upper lips but before he could plunge his tongue into her leaking hole she pulled him up to face her and said...

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