A night of fornication

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Author's Note

This is a sneak peak of the future.

I originally planned to publish this when I found the right moment in the story, but I changed my mind, so enjoy it, and Happy New Year, everybody!


No One's Pov

"Please..." A moan left out of a beautiful ladies lips as fingers came in and out of her twitching hole as stairs from three men mad her feel delighted and even more aroused as thir fingers penetrated her pussy. A finger from each men going in and out of her in different intervals almost made her cum making her tighten around the fingers asulting her hole. "Ahh~  ah.. yes~" erotic groans and moans came out from her lips as she pulled her head back, savoring her climax as the males watched on with lust and obsession in their eyes as her girl cum leaked out of her tightening hole their dicks pulsing with the need to enter her holes.

Pulling his finger out Remus Lupin, yes, the Remus Lupin took off his clothes in a heaist and joined the lady in the bed gently placing her in his lap as he slowly undressed her. The other two, Sirious Black and James Potter, watched as Remus licked and bit the sholder of Lilith Bluerose, marking her body with his kisses as she grinded herself on his painful hard shaft. Not wanting to be left behind the other two hurriedly took of their own clothes and disregarding them somewhere in the room as they through the last piece of fabric they almost pounced on the bed wanting to get close as soon as possible with the lady in Remus's hands.

"Stop hoging her Moony. I also want to taste her." James said as he looked at the way Lilith responded to Remus kisses as their tongues intertwined, making him feel jealous and regret the times he rejected her advances, "I should have locked her up the moment I realized I loved her." He thought as he stared at the overly romantic behaviour of the two but was distracted by the sudden appearance of a black toff of hair diving straight between the female's legs pushing aside the other man's dick to get to her leacking pussy garnering a growl from both Remus and James as the girl's attention moved to the man laping at her folds. "Siri oh~, it feels so good, ahh!" Snaping out of their jealous minds, the other forgotten duo flocked to the girl. Remus went back to his position at her back, helping her sit up and pushing Sirious face deeper into her folds while doing so he plugged a finger into her anus while James held one of her breasts while sucking on the other also wanting her attention.

Seeing that she was neglecting her two other bed partners, Lilith moved her hands on to their privates, stopping on their pubic hair, gently caressing the curling hairs above their hard and licking roads making them jurk. Giggling, she pulled away from their asult and moved to the side. "What's the matter? Why did you move away?" Asked James as he watched her move to the centre of the bed facing three of the four marauders. Raising a brow at him, Lilith spoke, "Why does it seem like you're so desperate for attention, James? If you're not satisfied you can just leave and find you presous lily and I can just have fun with Sirius and Remus here." She said, pointing to the door, making him frown."Ye just go and look for your lilipad Prongs we can satisfy her by ourselves. I'm pretty sure she won't miss you." said Sirius as he focused his stare on Lilith licking his lips as he scuts closer to her open legs, wanting to have a wift of her sent. Before James could say anything, he was interrupted by Remus. " Padfoot's right, Prongs, we can handle Lilith. Without you, just go to Lily instead." James was almost boiling of with anger knowing what the two of his best mates were doing they wanted him to leave so that they can have her by themselve with having less one person they can have even more of her but before he can burst out in anger he was already forgotten by the lady on the bed as two hot and hard dick entering her pussy making her gasp out a breath while making the two lads great their teeth in please and in pain. "My poisonous ivy, you are going to be the death of me with how tight you are. Even though we did this more, then I can count with the way you grip our cocks I would have thought that you were planing to brake me." Said Sirius as sweat formed on his forhed and back as he revels on the heat of your warm cavern after gathering himself he left a few bite marks on your skin before looking at Remus giving signal that they would start pumping. And so they did. One enters and anoter comes out as they pump in a sequence nether of them dared to live your wet and slippery pussy alway leaving the head of their dicks inside before slaming back in. Not wanting to be left behind pushed down his anger and move behind Lilith with the other two ocupying both sides of you, each one holding one of your legs up to have better access and so this leaves him the only access to you. Your back hole, sleeping his dick at the bottom of your pussy he took some of your juces as lube covering his dick with every drop that came out of your hungry hole while listening to your cries trting to filter out the sounds of his friends after making sure his fully lubed up he alined his dick to your hole and penetrated. Making you gasp because of the feeling of being fielded to the bream. Finally joining the panting and moaning, all of them move in since to pleasure the lady in their arms so that she wouldn't find the need to look for others. As they slowly reached their peaks, they increased their pace "Fuck yes~ yes fuck me like you want to breed me ohh~... fill me with your cums..."Lilith moaned out as she bounced on their cock leacking precum "fuck a baby into me fill me up with you white hot cum~ and watch as my gaping holes leaksout with your cum~ ahhh I'm cumming!" She panted as she held both Remus and Sirius pusing there faces to her cheast were they sucked at her nipples and with the encouragement of her lewd words the three of them came giving her the creampies that she wanted as they filled her they move a bit so that they can watch their excess cum flow out of her destroyed holes but knowing her body she will go back to being as tight as she was before either of them where able to touch her and she was pretty tight even know were her walls are milking them to the last drop. As they finished, they slowly lay her down in the middle, making sure that she's comfortable without having to pull out of her and then close their eyes, taking the needed rest after such vigorous exercise.

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