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×Half a year later

No One's POV

It took Newt half a year to finally build the courage to confess to her, and though the first time he did it, he was shut down by her. He didn't stop trying to woo her. He did everything he thought could give him a chance with her.

He even shouted his confession after she won a match of Quidditch against his house in front of all the students and teachers present during that game which also gave him annoyed stares from his housemates but in the end she still didn't agree to him which hurt him deeply making him run away and hide in the dark forest crying as it was his biggest attempt to finally get her and though he didn't plan to stop wooing her it still hurt him from all the repeated denials she gave him, as he cried leaning on a tree being comforted by Pickett he heard footsteps approaching him he didn't lift his head from his feet as he continued to sob.

After what happened in the pitch, Lilith followed him as he ran into the forest, concerned after seeing tears brimming in his eyes when she rejected him again. Not knowing what to do, she held out a hand to him, slowly bringing it around him as she held him in her arms, trying to comfort him. "Newt..." she started to say but was stopped by him as she was suddenly held by him in an embrace he buried his head into her neck, and he continued to cry, wetting her top. He asked, "Wh-why won't you g-give me a chance, Lizzy? Am I not good enough? Do you not like me? Is it because I'm weird? Like magical creatures to muc -" As he rambled, he was stopped by fingers blocking his lips as Lilith pulled away from him, saying,"Of course not! None of those are good reasons for me not to accept you!"

Hearing her say as he looked into her eyes as tears still fell, he asked, "Then why?" Sighing, Lilith brushed her hands through his hair as she leaned her forehead against his as she replied to his question,"It is not because I don't like you, it's just..." she said hesitating before continuing. "Just that I don't know what love is, nor do I understand what it is. She finished as she looked away, uncomfortable with the fact she was letting herself get so emotionally attached to someone.

Seeing her so uncomfortable, Newt held her tight in his arms as he said, "Then I will show you! I will tell you everything I feel when I'm with you. I would explain. Every beat and tremble of my heart to you when you are close to me or even when I just see you. Ju-just give me a chance..." he said, trailing off. Seeing how sincere his confusion was, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat as a blush filled her cheeks. Looking at his eyes, she couldn't help but finally agree as she gave him her most beautiful smile, stunning him before what she said finally sank in.

When it did, he couldn't help himself and tackled her gently on the ground as he peppered her face with kisses repeatedly saying thank you as she giggled under him. And so their relationship grew and as days went by Lilith was able to grasp the idea of love with how diligently Newt explained everything he felt about her every day to the point that he could make a grown man blush with how sappy he was. But she didn't mind as he was her sappy Hufflepuff.

Newt reminisced on those days as he held Lilith in his arms as she read about his discovery. Lilith truly adored his passion for the magical creatures as she adored them as well and encouraged him to publish a book about his discoveries but when she mentions him publishing a book he just tends to laugh it off and kiss her gently thinking she was just trying to feed his delusions but he loves her for that not knowing he will be known for doing something he thought was but a delusion.

It has been 3 months since they officially dated and Newt planned a date for them to celebrate their 3 month anniversary during this time Lilith was also planning a surprise of her own as she hid a box under her bed in preparation for their date.

As night finally arrived, the couple got ready for their date and separated so that they could look good for each other.

As Lilith finished her makeup she looked at the box under her bed smirking as she pulled it out going into the bathroom to change after all she devoted herself to this relationship while she was in this era and though that may be the case it doesn't mean she didn't want to enjoy herself. She thought as a lascivious smile appeared on her lips before licking her lips, excited for her gift to Newt.


The next chapter will hopefully be smut, but who knows, this would depend on my mood.

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