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(Next day)

*Potions classroom*

No One's POV

Lilith came into the room instantly spotting her first target 'Severus Snape' delighted and pleasantly surprised with how handsome he was during his teens (look at the pic for reference) though others might argue. Others might think she only fans those with appearance but she didn't choose Snape for that reason she chose him because he deserves more than what he got especially with how much he sacrificed till the end of his life. "Snape drives better than Evens, and so I'm planning to still you my handsome half-blood prince" Lilith thought as she approached the male.

As she arrived at his desk she cleared her throat and asked "Can I sit here?" waiting for a response. Looking up from his notes Severus stared at the person who was standing beside him when he finally saw her he was stunned but did not show much on his face. Nodding slightly then going back to his notes as if he was not momentarily sound. Lilith was not detoured by his lack of response and sat beside him smiling even more brighter. This was seen by everyone present Andromeda gave her friend a suspicious stare while others started whispering, well most of them "Why is she sitting with Snivolus?" A boy with shoulder-length black hair and grey eyes loudly muttered to his three friends pointing in their direction. Not minding the obnoxious bunch Lilith focused her stair at her desk partner leaning forward a bit closer than she was before and where Snape was able to get a waft of her sweet and flowery scent. "Soo... We have this potion project and I was hoping you wanted to" As she started to finish her words the door was suddenly opened and the professor "Good day, I'm going to be assigning your partners for your potion project." Slugghorn said making grunts fill the room and this included Lilith as she smacked her face on the table making Snape take a pick at her antics smiling a bit but wayping it away as soon as it came.

Moving her head so she can look at the handsome man beside her she can't help but pout and mutter "But I want Sev to be my partner." not knowing that the person she was talking about could hear her making his ears red as he looked away. As she continued to grumble she didn't hear her name being called out until a bespectacled man rose from his seat complaining "But Prof I already promised my best mate to be my partner and besides I don't want to be with the greens!" James Potter complained as he pointed towards her direction. Lifting her head and staring at the boy who was pointing a finger in her direction she couldn't help but smirk and thought "Well he will be fine too though he may not be my first, second, third, or fifth choice he is still on my to-do list." She gave him a wave trying to provoke him as the professor disregarded his attempt to change his partner.

After the class every time the two met up for their project, she would try to seduce him into doing some fun but more discreetly so that she could freely disregard him later on with no one whispering behind her back about their relationship when she had her fun.

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