Full Moon

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I can't keep you guys waiting, so...

Enjoying the first part of Remus.

*Night of the Full Moon*

(Shrieking Shack)

No One's POV

A girl was walking around the dark hallway of the abandoned shack, observing every single thing found within its room. As she walked, she could hear panting and whimpering as she neared the last room standing in front of the door she removed her cloak letting it fall on the ground as she held the handle of the door and entered the room.

Inside the room, a boy was panting as if he was out of breath, scratching the ground, letting out groans of pain as he tried to rain in the beast within him as he did so he heard the door open as footsteps entered the room.

Trying to gather himself, he grited his teeth and looked up to face the intruder. Lilith watched as Remus squirmed and whimpered on the floor, sighing that this was not what she wanted to see. Going closer to him until she was standing in front of him, she knelt on the ground at the same time as he lifted his head. As he did so, he was faced with her enchanting eyes and her alluring smell, making him let out a pained moan.

Sighing, Lilith held out her arms, pulling him into her and making him land on her chest. Because of his weight, she was pushed down on the ground by him, but she didn't make any sound lying on the ground she held him in her arms brushing her fingers through his hair while her other hand went to his back making soothing patterns to distract him from his pain.

As she did this, Remus took a waft of her scent, feeling the movement of her hands and enjoying the warmth her body gave him. This continued until he felt the beast inside of him calm down, shocking him even though the pain of his pre-transformation was still apparent. As he paused to think about what was happening, he heard a sound from above him looking up from the soft pillows he was leaning on he heard someone say, "Do you feel much better?" Looking up, he found that he was staring into beautiful silver pupils. Realizing what he was lying on, his eyes widened as he tried to stand. He fell back on her as he felt pain coursing through his body, making him land back on her and making her breast jiggle with the impact.

Trying to get off, he felt hands, inclosing him, preventing him from moving. "Just lay down for a bit. You're in pain, aren't you?" He heard her say. Sighing, he gave up and buried his face in between her chest, muttering curses. Making her chuckle at how different he was acting when in school.

Sighing, Remus finally gathered himself and asked, "What are you doing here?" As he raised his head to stare at her. Raising a brow, she said, "Didn't you want to know what happened between me and Potter?" Grunting feeling a bit of pain he muttered as he closed his eyes "Ugh- I-i did but not right now it's too dangerous and-" "I didn't hear you complain the last time I saw you." Lilith said matter a fact as she continued to caress him. "But the beast!" Remus stated as he tried to stand back up again but was stopped by Lilith tightening her hold on him. "If the beast was as you say dangerous, then why haven't you hurt me yet?" She asked as she did, so she heard a growl *Growl* "No..hurt..MINE!" She was shocked as she felt something poking her below but then grinned mischievously and said "See it won't hurt me, and so will you."

Bringing her hands to his face, she lifted his chin so that he could look at her and said "Besides I have a way for you to control the beast and lessen your pain." Hearing her say his eyes widen and asked, "You... do?" Not believing her. Nodding Lilith moved her head closer to his and said, "I do," as she closed the distance between them, giving him a passionate kiss before pulling away and eliciting a growl from him not happy with her pulling away.

"So let me ask you. Do you want me to help you?" As Remus stared at her mesmerizing eyes, he couldn't help himself and agreed as he leaned forward to capture her lips.

Author's Note:

Ok, so the next chapter would be the smut, and since everyone wants to scream 🐺 expect it to be... out of hand(?)ish and have a lot of plot holes.
Don't judge me, I was horny.

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