Your not the first

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No One's POV

The lovers were surrounded by fields of glowing flowers watching the night sky as they held each other panting from their previous activity as they tried to get a semblance of their control back. Lilith's breathing was uneven as she tried to control herself from jumping Newt then and there and, of course, from the play he did for her, making her even wetter as she watched his blushing face and unfocused eyes as he held her in his arms.

Chuckling Lilith can't help herself and says, "Well, it seems you're a fast learner." As she caressed his face, leaning forward. "But we are still not finished." She said as she pulled on his arm, making him go on top of her, smacking his face in between her chest. Panicking, he tried to lift his head as his face got red, but as he lifted his head, he felt her arms go around his head and pull him back to the valley of her breasts. As he was about to voice out his thoughts (well, it's not like he can talk being smothered...) she interrupted him as she slowly wove her hands through his hair, making him feel relaxed and comfortable she continued this action for about a minute before she finally said, "You know... you wouldn't be my first." Making Newt pause but not shocked after all with her charm and charisma he knew that she couldn't have been one though the slight disappointment and jealousy was evident on his face as he took a pick at her before burying his head back into her boobs not wanting to meet her eyes. Sighing, Lilith continued to play with his hair as she finally said, "But you are the first person who truly made me feel something so strange(?) You can say, but I don't dislike it." I finished when I suddenly felt him look back at me, excitement and curiosity overflowing from him, making me giggle as he asked. "I made you feel strange? In what way?" He asked shyly as he wound his arms around me bringing me closer to him without lifting his head from my boobs, he seem to have been conquered by them as he rub his nose on them like a cat as he waited for my answer. I giggled at his childish behaviour but continued to let him be as I said, "Well... you could say you're the first person to make me commit to such a relationship. I won't hide anything from you and say that I was the most innocent person you would meet because I'm not. I have plenty of relationships with other people, but you... you're different. I can't help but feel like this relationship we have is different, and I don't mind trying it if it's with you." She said as she looked at the stars. After a few seconds of not hearing a reply from him, she looked down and blushed seeing the love-filled eyes of Newt as he stared at her awestruck.

Turning away in embarrassment, she felt a hand gently robbing her face as it moved her sight back to Newt, who gave her the happiest smile she had ever seen him give. As they stared at one another, Newt couldn't help but say, "I'm happy." Making her tilt her head in confusion and ask."Why is that?" Smiling he replied, "Because I'm the first person who made you feel differently regardless if I may not be the first person to have loved you, I'm still content to know that I was the first to make you feel this." Newt said as he buried his face in her mounds again a blush filled his face.

Hearing his confession, Lilith felt her heartbeat skip as she also blushed, looking down at the brunette's curly locks.

Not being able to handle the overwhelming emotions she was feeling as well as the lingering lust between the two, Lilith pushed Newt down, changing their position as she captured his lips with hers as she gave him a passionate but domineering kiss. As she kissed him she roamed her hands down his body lingering at some sensitive areas making the blushing teen below her shiver and let out a soft moan as he held her hips but did not try to do anything or want to gain dominance as he knew for himself that he was the student in this relationship of theirs and she is his teacher.

As Lilith gently moved her hands under Newt's shirt he couldn't help but let out a gasp because of the coldness of her fingers as he did so Lilith took this opportunity to slide her tongue into his mouth as they started to fight for dominance as Newt was distracted with her wet intrusion on his mouth he was left stunned when he suddenly felt a sharp sting on his nipple making him lose focus ending up losing to her. He let out a gasp and a low but seductive moan making Lilith feel her panties get even wetter as she looked at the unfocused lust filled eyes of her lover as he bathed in the new pleasurable experiences her hands brought his mind and body into as her hands continued to pinch and play with his nipple another hand was swiftly unbuttoning his top as he was distracted by ministrations.

As she finally reached the final button on his shirt a hand suddenly held hers making her pause and stop her actions she looked down at him as his unfocused eyes finally gained a semblance of clarity as it did so she lifted from him slightly and asked "do you want me to stop?" As she said so she slowly removed her hands from him and his body as she did so she was suddenly pulled back on top of him and she felt strong arms preventing her from leaving him. Looking back down at him, she found him looking at her with such a submissive and lustful look, almost making her want to jump him but didn't as she remembered him stopping her. As she was about to ask why he stopped her, he interrupted her by saying in a spoiled childish tone, "W- why am I the only one being's unfair."

Authors Note:

Just a curious question.
Why do you guys read this? And do you "just" read it?

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