Not so innocent

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After having her fill of admiring his hard shaft, she went back to her purpose, and that was to teach Newt. Holding his left hand again, she said, "I want you to touch me down there hun, is that ok?" Waiting for his answer, she looked at him, seeing his nervous face she kissed him and then moved his hand again when he nodded. Guaiding his hand she let his hand go inside her pants as it slowly entered her panties making her let out a breath because of the cold feeling of his hands while Newt panted as he felt her soft and warm skin. When his hand finally reached above her clit she opened her legs wider to give him space to go deeper after opening her legs she slid his hand dipper grazing his fingers over her clit and slowly levelling his fingers onto her leaking hole making her burry her face on his chest as she let out moans, and because of her pants, the space for newts hand to go in was very tight making his fingers and hand stick to her pussy as it glided past her folds pressing on her pussy to her dripping opening. Feeling his fingers tremble she can't help but move her hips to feel more friction making the tip of his finger enter her tightening cunt.

Trying to control herself she kissed his chin as she moved her hand into his pants holding his cock in her hands squizing slightly to listen to his pleasured groans as they panted together. After gaining a bit of clarity she finally said "Listen to uh~ the sound I make love and move according to the speed of my hands ok?" I said as I look back at him seeing him nod I then continue "I want you to plunge your finger inside me when I start moving my hand on your cock ok?" I said as lust slowly filled my mind when I heard his agreement I instantly moved my hand down on his shaft making his finger plunge into my pussy making us both moan in pleasure. But I didn't stop moving my hands going up and down as his hands followed the movement and speed of my hand. Making me feel his finger also going in my leaking hole in a fast paise as more of my juices leaked out with every thrust of his finger and movement of my hand on his dick. As we continued to pleasure each other, Newt moved his head to kiss me in reply. I let out my tongue and licked his lips, making him open his mouth as we fought for dominance. I pulled away a bit as I asked him to put another finger in but before I finished my word he plunged two in making me lean my head back because of the sudden increase in mass inside of me it has been so long that my cunt was so tight since the last time I was penetrated or fingered this aggressively as I was lost in the pleasure I suddenly felt Newt's free hand tug at my top pulling it up with my bra making my boobs flop out as he suddenly latched on one of my nipples sucking and bitting making me curled my toughs because of the double stimulation.

Of course, I didn't neglect him as I continue to pump his cock I then change tactics as I move my hand in circular motions which led to him doing the same thing with his three fingers inside me I let out a pleasured scream because of the sudden stretching of my insides as he rotated his hand so that his fingers also rotted inside of me the pleasure was so much I wasn't able to say a word of denial as I slowly reached my pick as My whole body trembled in ecstasy when I felt that long forgotten feeling of a knot forming in my insides I moved my hand aggressively on his dick but not that painful to hurt as I also listened to his grunts and gasps. When I change my pattern of movement so did his fingers but he didn't follow the movement of my hands this time he did it by himself which led to him alternating from trusting his fingers to moving them into circles and there were even moments where he wiggled his fingers inside me making me reach my high faster eventually I wasn't able to handle his asult in my cunt and made me cum on his evil but talented fingers as I came I panted as I looked back at him feeling guilty that I was to distracted by my pleasure to help him but when I was about to help him finish he suddenly pulls out his fingers from my pussy making my body spasm because of sensitivity. When he pulled out his hand from my pants it was covered with my cum he stared at his hand and then brought it to his nose before sniffing making me embarrassed seeing my innocent little Hufflepuff acting not so innocent as he even licked one dripping down his palm before he looked me in the eyes than with his hand that was inside me pull out his cock making me fully see how thick and long it was looking at it I was so distracted that I was shocked when his cum covered hand gripped it and slowly pumped it covering his dick with my cum as I looked lustful on his actions his other arm that was on my waist pulled me closer to him so I was now feeling how his cum covered hand was pumping himself right in front of my covered cunt. This continued until he finally came as he wet my covered cunt with his seed as he let out a pained moan as he continued to pump himself until his cum was seeping into my pants through my panties and then my vagina.

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