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Lilith's POV

Seeing Newt's cute and blushing face, she couldn't control herself anymore and snapped as she demanded him to strip. As she said so, Newt moved as fast as he could, stripping down until he was only in his briefs. Seeing the bulge between his legs she couldn't help but moan as she told him to place his hands behind his back and lay down on the ground, doing as she said he laid down and put his hands on the ground as he did so he felt something wrap around his hands preventing them from moving.

No One's POV

Realizing that he was tied up, he couldn't help but blush and look back at her as a growing wet patch on his briefs started to form. Seeing the wet patch on his briefs, Lilith can't help but smile as she stands up above him her feet beside his hips. Looking down at him, she slowly pulled on the straps of her underwear, making sure that his eyes followed her every move as she let it fall onto his stomach. Seeing the soaked panties now disregarded on his abdomen, Newt couldn't help but gulp as he slowly lifted his gaze, finally landing on her glistening folds that were slightly gapping.

He was so entranced by the sight that he didn't realize that saliva was dripping from the side of his mouth as his dick twitched in anticipation, he desperately wanted to touch her but as he tried to move he remembered that his hands were tied making him whimper looking up at her eyes saying "please~". Seeing his state Lilith can't help but chuckle as she slowly knelt until her exposed cunt was an inch away from his covered cock. Seeing the small distance from his cock to her pussy Newt almost went crazy wanting to just thrust forward to finally feel her but he knows he should behave and do everything to please her after all she was his lover and mistress.

Seeing him behaving so submissive Lilith can't help but lean forward kissing his nose as she pulled away she praised him for being such a good sub. When she knelt back her folds grazed the top of his shaft making him tremble underneath her. Seeing the desperation in his eyes Lilith can't help but tease him more as she grinded on the tip of his cock making it touch her but not penetrating fully. As she did this Newt couldn't help but feel pleasure and pain at the same time as he whimpered and groaned. "Do you want to put it in?" Lilith asked him as she slowly rotated her hips in a circular motion, then grinded back down on him. Grunting, Newton nodded, slowly losing his mind from the pleasurable torture. Not satisfied with his answer, Lilith stopped her movement as she glared down at him. Seeing the annoyance in her eyes, Newt hurridly answers, "Yes! Yes! I love it! I love how your pussy feels on my cock. B-but i-it hurts so much, please, please mistress. I want inside~" he cried as he tried to push his hips up but was stopped by Lilith pushing his abdomen down with her hand.

Smirking Lilith said, "Do you think you deserve to enter my pussy?" Nodding vigorously Newt answered "Yes! Please, I want..." he begged, almost crying. Seeing his pitiful appearance Lilith can't hold on anymore and pushed down on his brief-covered cock making it enter her wet cunt. Groaning in pleasure as her walls were pushed wide open by his cock she looked down at him watching his eyes roll back into his head as his hips instinctively push back into her as his toes curled.

Having enough of enjoying Newt's blissful expression Lilith aggressively moved her hips down on him making him slump back on the ground as she fucked his clothed dick inside of her. As she moved her hips, Newt panted and moaned, looking at her with teary eyes groaning. Not wanting to disappoint her he tried to move his hips up according to her rhythm but because of how aggressively she was bouncing atop of him he could only push up a bit before he was pushed back down by her cunt to the ground.

Being overwhelmed by her dominance newt can only moan and pant as he struggled in his binds desperately wanting to hold on to her hips and push her harder onto his clothed cock. Chuckling at the face of his desperation, Lilith couldn't help but tease him again as she slowed down her pace into an excruciating slow grinding. As she did so she watched in fascination as Newt's face changed colour from pink to red then slowly turning into purple as he looked at her in a hurt animal type of way as tears continued to flow from his eyes. "Mistress, please don't be like that *hic hic* I want to feel you eating my cock so badly it hurts *hic* Please let me fill your pussy with my cock again~" he begged as he moved his hip side to side trying to please her.

Not responding to his pleas Lilith lifted her hips higher only leaving the tip of his cock inside her. Before Newt could even utter another word she clenched her walls hard on his tip before starting to move her hips again in a faster paise as she placed her hand behind her, placing them on his thighs as she fucked on his tip. Because of her sudden movement, Newt wasn't able to hold in his voice and let out a lewd moan. "Ahhh~~"

As minutes went by, with Lilith only doing the same moves over and over, Newt's desire started to rise as he felt something inside him wanting to come out. seeing his expression Lilith suddenly pulled his cock out from inside her making them hear a pop sound as he was pulled out suddenly. Their eyes widened and mouth a gap he looked back at her stunned seeing his dumbfounded expression Lilith couldn't help but laugh at him seeing her laugh at him Newt couldn't help but pout and cry at the same time as he looked at her accusingly "Mistress your bullying me!" He said hurt as he looked away from her. Finally calming down her laughter Lilith leaned forward caressing his chest and kissing his abdomen until she reached his face, giving him a peck "I'm sorry you're just so cute." Lilith muttered seeing her sincere eyes Newt was about to forgive her but his acceptance was cut off as Lilith slammed down her hip again onto his cock making him scream in ecstasy as he came inside of her but because of the restriction of his briefs when Lilith pulled her sopping wet pussy away from his cock his cum spilt from the sides of his briefs as it became a barrier preventing him from actually cumming inside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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