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Lilith's POV

Hearing the childish spoiled tone in his voice she couldn't help but chuckle as she slowly pulled away from him making him try and desperately reach out for her as she finally stood in front of him as he slowly sat up kneeling in front of her standing figure.

Being the one standing her dominance towards him became even more prominent as he looked at her almost like a mistress. As he looked up at her, he hurriedly crawled toward her as he held her waist in a hug, begging for forgiveness and thinking that he had done something wrong. Seeing his form being so submissive towards her, she couldn't help but chuckle as she ran her hands through his hair, making him groan as he buried his face deeper into her stomach.

After having her fill of playing with his hair she pushed him away making him fall on his ass he looked at her thinking that she wanted to stop but as he was about to beg again she asked him. "Newt... do you want this?" She said as she pointed towards him and her as she slowly moved closer to him. "Tell me, my dear adorable Hufflepuff, do you want to be my very own submissive who I could dominate and play with whenever and wherever I want?" She said as she lifted one foot slowly, gliding it down from his chest to his growing bulge, gently grazing her toughs on it before pulling away.

No One's POV

As Lilith moved her feet down to his bulge, Newt couldn't help but gulp down his saliva as excitement and lust filled his system as he followed the movement of her feet. As she pulled away he couldn't help but show her a look of desperation and love as he looked up at her, seeing her standing there looking at him like a piece of meat he couldn't help but nervously nod his head to her question but instead of getting what he wanted, he saw her frown not wanting to disappoint her he hurriedly and desperately spoke out his desires as he again crawled to her "YES! Yes! I want to be your submissive. I want you to do anything and everything you want to do with me. Just please let me have you. I want you, I love you, mistress." Satisfied with his answer, she ordered him to strip her down. Answering in delight he hurriedly but gently took off her clothes with shaking hands as he did so the tint of pink on his cheek grew reader as he saw what was underneath her clothes (refer to pic). Panting desires and obsession filled his eyes as he worshipingly kissed her body from bottom to top he continued to watch her expression, wanting to hear praises of him being a good sub for her. As he kissed lower until his face was levelled with her cunt he can't help but bury his face in between her legs and sniff her wet underwear as he looked at her expression to see her reaction. Seeing her predatory eyes lingering on him he couldn't help but moan in between her legs as he continued to sniff and bury his face between her wet folds.

Looking at him Lilith can't help but tease him grinding her clothed pussy on his face and asking him as she moaned out "Do you like it? I especially chose this for you~" As she continued to move her lower half on his face, she went up and down, not taking her sight from him and seeing how much he enjoyed it. Not being able to answer Newt only moaned as he enjoyed the feeling of her clothed pussy grinding on his face as he got wet with her juices. Look at her his eyes were full of begging, trying to say something. Seeing his desperate, please, Lilith grinned and, in a commanding voice, told him to adjust his position so that it would be easier for her.

Hearing her say so Newt hurriedly position himself leaning back slightly so that Lilith's pussy was hovering above his face. He supported himself by placing his hands behind his back, entranced looking in between her thighs. Seeing him in position Lilith moved her feet straddling his face as she slowly covered his face with her wet clothed pussy almost suffocating him. As she sat on his face she felt his uneven breath on her folds and as she started to grind on him she felt a wet muscle trying to brake the fabric on her pussy just an inch away from her hole.

Moaning Lilith grinded harder as Newt moved his tongue as best as he could trying to penetrate her hole while being blocked by the fabric of her panties desperately not carrying that he started to slowly suffocate himself as he moved one of his hands around one of her thighs not wanting her to separate her cunt from his face. Chuckling Lilith let him be as she enjoyed the feeling of his tongue desperately trying to make a hole in her panties as he buried himself deeper into her wet folds.

As Newt felt himself slowly suffocating, he continued to hold on to her tightly, not wanting to let go, but unfortunately for him, she understood his limits after all. It was his first time. Feeling her move away he whimpered as she slowly removed herself from his face a bit of sticky residue was left on his face and tongue with a string of something clear and sticky on his tongue the only remaining connection between them.

Looking at her with his face wet and tongue out, eyes filled with hurt and disappointment thinking that he wasn't doing good. But before he could voice his apologies Lilith chuckled and held his wet and sticky face as she leaned forward taking his tongue inside her mouth and sucking on it gently making his eyes widen as a blush filled his face. Pulling away, Lilith said that it was his first time, and she didn't want him fainting on her before they did the deed.

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