Potter's Wand Literally

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<Hogwarts Library>

No One's POV

Lilith muffled her pants and moans as she moved her wand up and down but kept tabs on the boy who was having problematic thoughts behind her as she continued to pleasure herself she quirked her lip as she heard shuffling footsteps behind her until he suddenly stopped presumably hearing her voice.

Licking her lip, she finally disregarded his presence and focused on the wand that was not hers floating in front of her now sleek underwear rubbing at her entrance following the movement of the wand in her hand going up and down this continued until a shadow was looming behind her then she heard a gasp. Smirking, she let out a promiscuous sound much louder than the previous "mah~.." making sure that the person behind her heard her and saw how their wand pressed deeper towards her entrance that was being blocked by the fabric as Lilith did so the boy's breath behind her became deeper panting like a rabid animal his eyes followed 'his' wand grinding on the girl's folds almost in a trance as the wand pulled away followed by a wet string of sticky liquid. James knows that she can hear him panting like a deer in heat, but she doesn't cease her movement, and he has no plan to stop her. Gulping, he watched as she slowly moved her other hand near her underwear, making him hold his breath as he anticipated her next move.

Lilith's POV

She felt his heated stare at her hand as she reached the part where her underwear was blocking the wand from being face-to-face with her entrance pausing for effect she heard him take a painful gulp of air making her more amused with how he didn't even stop her from using his wand as a toy to give her pleasure. Clearing her thoughts as lust overpowered her other thoughts she moved her underwear to the side revealing her wet and small hole and before the boy could even react she flicked her wand and forced the boy's floating stick to plunge into her dripping cunt. *squelch* "Ahh ~ so deep..uh~" she moaned out as the wand entered her, hitting the deepest part of her cavern.

James POV

He watched with bated breath as his want entered her pussy taking it in up until the hilt. Saliva filled his mouth as liquid dripped out of her entrance making him want to kneel for her and lick the juice licking down to her thighs back to where it came from. As he continued to stare he finally realized that his wand wasn't moving any more and when he was about to ask why she stopped she suddenly stood up making her skirt block his view from the enchanting sight.

No One's POV

James was about to ask Lilith why she stopped, but his words got stuck in his throughout the moment she turned around and started at him with raised brows. He looked anywhere else, but her this continued until she finally opened her mouth and said, "What were you doing?" As if she was doing nothing wrong blushing, he hurriedly replied, "What were YOU doing?" He said in a pretentious annoyed voice, leaning back on a desk Lilith rolled her eyes at him as she said "Well I was not the one staring as "their" wand entered the pussy of their enemy and was turned on ain't I?" hearing her remark James can't help but feel his face heat up and his pants tighten than it already was as he looked back on the covered area between her legs knowing that his wand was still stuck inside of her. "Well, it isn't my fault that you were too damn loud." he muttered, looking away while crossing his arms following his previous words he said, "And besides, why my wand?" he asked still not facing her making her chuckle and say "for your information four eyes it's your fault for why I'm using your wand since you left me hanging you are responsible for why I'm horny so to repay me I chose to use your wand to fix your fault," she said matter a fact as she stood back up straight dusting her uniform having had enough of their conversation and just wanting to go back to her rendezvous turning her back to him Lilith was about to move to another area of the library to finish her masturbation but before she could take another step she was stopped by a hand holding her waist forcing her body to collide with a muscular chest as well as make her moan as the wand in her vagina moved inside of her. "Uhh~What are you doing!?" She asked, annoyed at the young man caging her inside his arms. Almost in a panicked way, he hurriedly replied and said, "You can't just leave!" James said as he squeezed her closer to his body, making his jr twitch with how her body rubbed against his own. "And why is that?" She asked."You have my wand. I have to observe and make sure that you won't damage it." He said in a business-like tone, looking at her eyes, making her race her brow, causing him to blush, thinking that he was caught lying but was stunned when she agreed.

Pushing his hands away, Lilith moved a few steps away from him making him feel empty but was brought out from his thoughts when she said, "Since you said you have to "observe" and make sure that I don't damage your wand I'm presuming you would be watching me and I can't take this back with me into my dorm" as she looked at him nodding vigorously he agreed not wanting to say anything afraid he would embarrass himself, sighing she nodded her head as she moved her wand again and muttered a concealing ang sound blocking spell so that no one can see or hear what would happen next turning around she can't help the smirk tugging at her lips as she went closer to the nearest desk and turned back around the smirk on her face disappeared as she looked back at the lustful eyes of James Flamont Potter and said, "Well aren't you gonna help me?"

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