What is going on!

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Author's Note:

I finally had my first warning 😅, but if this book gets taken down, then it's a good thing I added this on AO3.


(Shrieking Shack)

Lilith's POV

I was having my beauty sleep when I felt something tickling my nose, annoyed I tried to swipe it away with a hand, finally not feeling it. I tried to go back to sleep. Feeling the ticklish feeling again, I smacked the thing, doing it in annoyance. Hearing a chuckle, I frowned and slowly opened my eyes.

As I did so, warm brown eyes greeted me, blinking adjusting my sight, finally remembering what happened last night. Making me contemplate my decisions in life, as I did so the person beside me wound, his hands around my waist, pulling my naked body against his slender but muscular body as he caressed my hip creating circular motions.

No One's POV

When he pulled her towards him, she felt something hard poking her thighs, making her laugh and say "Well good morning to you too." Smiling, the young man placed a kiss between her collarbone loving how her laugh felt so gentle and pure ( (゜-゜)・・・).

As he enjoyed the warm atmosphere between the beauty and him, he felt someone pushing him away, snapping him out of his daydream as he reluctantly pulled away he saw Lilith... his beautiful kind moonlight, I know how ironic he feared the moon, but because of her, it became a pleasant memory, pull away.

Sitting up, she found that she was no longer lying on the ground but instead found a comfy mattress under her, presumably transfigured by Remus when he finally shifted back. As she stood up, Remus followed her sitting, facing her asking, "What's the matter?" Shaking her head, Lilith said nothing as she pretended to observe her surroundings but was really contemplating how to handle Remus, but before she could open her mouth, he defeated her to it by saying "I know you have a lot of friends... per se, and I now know that James is one of them well... used to be one of them." Making her raise a brow at him wanting to know what else he wanted to say, if he judges her for her choices then she would rather not bother with him but if he has other thoughts then maybe~ Lilith decided as she leaned forward placing a smirk on her face and said "So what is it to you Lupin?" As she said so she expected him to scowl or frown at her, but what he did next made her surprised.

Leaning in Remus bit her lip until a bit of blood came out making her flinch and pull away glaring at him and said "What the fuck are you doing!?" Smiling he didn't answer her as he pulled on her arm bringing her closer to him until she was sitting on his lap, her thighs separated by his body as they were now face to face making their breaths mingle with one another. As she faced him she felt something drooling out from her pussy looking down she saw the wolf's cum dripping out of her hole covering the still hard shaft under her with its seed as she stared she can't help but feel aroused and remember the night when the wolf devoured her.

As she was locked in her lust-filled thoughts, Remus inhaled her scent, smelling her growing arousal. He couldn't help but let out a growl, making the girl in his arms shiver in delight. Looking back up, Lilith found his eyes, which slowly turned Amber, making her shocked as she stared. Remus finally gathered himself as he took a calming breath. After doing so, he looked back at her, smiling at her.

Leaning forward, he kissed the bit he gave her and licked the blood that came out from the wound moving a bit so that he could look back at her he said "I want to be one of them." Making Lilith pause to process what he said after finally understanding what he wanted she crossed her arm and asked, "Why is that? What about Potter?" As she internally checked out another person on her bucket list. Sighing, Remus answered, "I just want to, and besides, it's not my business why you left him." "Well, that wasn't what you said the last time." As she countered, making Remus sigh again, leaning his head on her shoulder, taking a waft of her trying to calm down as he was slowly getting distracted by her scent.

Putting his hands on her hip, he squeezed, trying to get a feel of her before he said "I know what I said but I was worried back then-" but was cut off by her "Any you are not worried now?" Shaking his head, he continued."I still am, but I realized that maybe I shouldn't have butted in." As he said so he gently lifted her and laid her on the mattress until she was under him leaning forward he kissed her face going down to her neck and chest then going back up facing her again and muttered "But I don't regret doing it because if I didn't I wouldn't have had the chance to have this with you." As he kissed her lips. Pausing for a bit, Lilith finally said, "So you won't help him anymore?" Hearing her say so he shakes his head "If he truly wants to he can do his best to try and get you back if he can't then that just means that he is not trying enough and besides if I help him wouldn't I lose my place beside you?" Grinning, Lilith pulled him closer as he gave him an aggressive kiss then pulled away as she said, "I knew you were the smartest of the bunch... so make me never forget why you should be one of those who would stay by my side, my strong and possessive wolf~" as she wrap her legs around his waist pulling him to her as he let out a revenues growl.

As the two had another round of passion, they didn't see a black dog running away from the shack that was slowly getting filled with loud moans and grunts.

×Back at Hogwarts×

(Secret Passage)

A boy with shoulder-length black hair was panting, trying to catch his breath as he tried to think about what he had just witnessed. Before shouting "What the fuck is going on!?"


I'm really contemplating whether I should just skip some parts and go straight to the smut. 🤔

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