Harry Potter?

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No One's POV

*Groan* "What time is it?" A girl muttered as she slowly rose from her bed, blinking her eyes as she stretched her curvaceous body lining the fabric to her skin. Looking closer, you can see her tender pale skin shining under the brunt of light coming from the window beside her bed chest protruding almost breaking the buttons of her shirt as her clothes almost can't contain her well-endowed mounds. With her stretch, she pulled her shirt up, giving an enchanting view of her round ass covered by black-laced underwear. If anyone could have seen her now, they would have pounced on her and devoured the waking beauty.

Finally, having her mind clear, the beauty suddenly jolted up from her bed. "What the... were the heck, am I?" She asked as she looked at the black and green themed room with luxury written all over it. But before she could even ponder her situation, she heard a knock, and then a voice sounded "Lilith are you up? Hurry up or will be late for our potion class." Lilith was confused as she stared at the door, but almost like she was on autopilot, she replied, "I'm getting ready." Not wanting to seem suspicious she looked around the room and to her luck she found a strange yet familiar set of clothes hanging on the wall, not wanting to make the person wait outside the door she tried and put on the uniform as best as she can after finishing she opened the door. As she did so, she found a beautiful lady with auburn hair waiting for her "Finally I thought you would take an eternity." The lady said as she pulled her out of her room and to their supposed class. Keeping quiet Lilith observed the girl from what she could tell she assumed that she may be at least 16 or 17 she was beautiful with auburn hair and brown eyes as she continued to stare she was broken from her thoughts by the same girl. "Lils, what's the matter? You seem quieter than you usually are?" The girl said as she turned to face her, and so Lilith was not helping herself and asked."I'm sorry, but who are you?" And stared pointedly at the girl's confused face."What do you mean, Lith? It's I Andromeda Black, your best friend." "Wait what Andromeda!?" Lilith shouted, stunned as she looked at one of the Black sisters. Not believing her, Lilith shook her head frowning, and said, "What do you mean? Stop joking. This is not Harry Potter, so can you please just point me to the exit so I can go home?" The girl claiming to be Andromeda Black looked at her stunned, not believing what she was hearing before she burst out in worry. "What did those idiotic Marauders do to you? I knew they were up to no good when they were huddled near the entrance of the library. It seems you were the unfortunate victim of their prank Lils. The other day, I found you unconscious in front of the library with burn marks on your clothes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to salvage your hood." Andromeda said as she looked at you worriedly. "Whatever do you mean? Can you just please stop and point me out already? This isn't funny." Lilith said as she looked at the worried lady looking at her but was stopped by a sudden pull as the lady muttered, "Don't worry Lith, let's go to Madam Pomfrey she can fix you."

Unfortunately for our protagonist, she would find herself stuck in another world as she realized that somehow, some way, she was transported into the Harry Potter vers.

Time (Harry Potter Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now