Hufflepuff Brunette

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×a few weeks later×

No One's POV

A oreo haired beauty was walking down the hall of Hogwarts surprisingly alone as most times she would be surrounded by her best friend and "friends" from what others would say. She was reminiscing on the things that had happened throughout the previous weeks. "Truly, it was very entertaining." She thought as a smile filled her lips.

Who would have thought that the people she had interacted with, some with indifference and others more intimate than most, would become significant people in her life. She thought as she watched the view from the viaduct as she sat on the ledge.

The previous weeks were ones that she would say were very amusing, to say the least. With explosions from brewing new potions, caring for new creatures with Hagrid, learning new magic, being chased by the boys, hanging out with Dromeda, being stocked by Potter and the other Black, having tea with Minny, being fucked, secretly becoming an animagus, learning wandless magic, snicking into the restricted section of the library, having picnics at the dark forest, and oh did I mention fucking? Oh well, these were a few of the things she did during her time here. And she truly enjoyed every moment of it, but there was still that lingering feeling of boredom within her.

And it seemed that it was getting to her. She wanted to go on an adventure and maybe even meet new people, but right now, she was stuck here. She doesn't mind. It's just that she is always with the same people, don't get her wrong. She does adore Dromeda, but with the people and things repeatedly happening to her, it slowly becomes exhausting.

Sighing, the girl leaned back while she closed her eyes to the point that she fell from where she sat. She felt the feeling of a falling arm wound around her waist stopping her descent. As a voice asked her worriedly, "My dear, are you ok?" Opening her eyes, she looked at the handsome face of her half-blood Prince. Smiling gently she turned around to face him placing her hands around his neck as she pulled him down towards her giving him a short and sweet peck on the lips, pulled away as she thanked him and said "I missed you~" holding the boy close to her as she leaned her head on his cheast pulling her closer to him Severus held her in a warm and gentle embrace replaying that he also missed her, as the day went by she spent her remaining time with him.

○Time Skip○

It was midnight as Lilith wandered the dangerous forest behind the school she couldn't sleep and planned to have a walk. As she continued to walk deeper, she heard movement behind her, making her turn around as she did she saw a bright light, and then she felt a force pushing her, making her fall as she fell she felt her body pass through the ground and in an instant she felt the cold splash of water as she emerge from what it seems like the black lake.

In confusion, she tried to find the thing that attacked her and transported her to the dark lake. As she looked around, she finally saw a brunette-haired boy sitting on the edge of the lake. From what she could tell, he seemed startled presumably because of her sudden appearance. She swam towards him, calling out for help.

Waving her arms around, the boy finally snapped out of his shock and brought out his wand, hopefully wanting to help her. As she thought about her decision to ask the boy for help, she felt a tug on her clothes, and then suddenly she was levitated out of the lake until she was placed down in front of her saviour. Thinking about what had just happened, she saw a hand placed in front of her. Following the hand up to the owner, she saw a brunette with hazel eyes wearing  Hufflepuff house attire. Observing him, she didn't hear him talk until the boy, despite his appearance, lifted her in his arms with a face filled with concern as he ran her into the school to Madam Pomfrey not giving her time to process what was happening before feeling a sharp pain in her mind making her faint in the arms of the cute Hufflepuff saviour of hers, of course, she wouldn't be Lilith Bluerose if she didn't add the handsome lad into her to-do list after all she has to show her "gratitude" towards her cute and from what she can feel muscular yummy saviour for helping her. But before she succumbed to the dark, she had a drifting thought, "Why didn't anyone tell me we had such a cutty in Hufflepuff... and why does he seem familiar...?" As she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the boy holding her.

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