Feel good

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×Time Skip×

Newt brought Lilith to different places in the forbidden forest, showing the sights she never thought were found within the said forest as he finally brought her to their last destination she found a picnic prepared for them in a field of glowing flowers. Making her turn around and give him a passionate kiss in thanks, making him red in emberesment. As Newt brought her to the blanket, he served her as if she was his everything, and she appreciated what he did for her as her heart beat faster for him each moment they spent together. As the night came to an end, they lay on the blanket looking at the stars as they cuddled up to each other as the minutes went by. Lilith finally made her first move.

Slowly moving her hand from his chest, she made sure that he felt her hand go lower on his abdomen, sometimes lingering on some sensitive areas until her hand stopped near his upper thigh. As she did this, she looked at his face, making sure he wasn't uncomfortable with anything that she was doing. This moment was different from any of the times she spent with the boys in the other era as she was focused on his feelings and not only on her pleasure. Seeing his embraced red face, she paused for a bit, but seeing that he wasn't stopping her, she slid her hand on his growing erection.

Newt was already getting hard the moment he realized her intentions the moment her hand slide down his abdomen and rested on his thighs he was already red in anticipation as her hand held his growing cock he felt gentle kisses being placed on his neck making him let out a strained moan as he tried to control his trembling. But as he enjoyed her touch and kisses he finally realized that he was the only one being pleasure understanding that he was not thinking of returning her love he suddenly opened his mouth to stop her but instead let out a gasp as she squeezed his cock unexpectedly with tears and desire clouding his mind he stuttered out "Li-lizzy wa...uh~wait ah!" Hearing him say so she paused her actions concerned that she made him uncomfortable but when she looked back at him she found that he was already looking at her eyes filled with love, devotion and desire making her blush as she felt a fluttering feeling in her abdomen as she two blushed. Looking at her cute appearance Newt can't help but lean forward and give her a passionate kiss though it wasn't their first kiss it still felt like it was especially with how Newt made it feel as special as the first. As Newt pulled away, he looked at her eyes and said with determination as he kissed her neck slowly, going down to her chest. "Love ca-can you teach me?" He asked, stuttering as he continued to kiss her chest a bit confused with what he was asking her.

Seeing her confused newt made a bold move and moved his hand on her chest and squished lightly making her let out a breath as her eyes widened seeing her react like this he couldn't help but continue his assault on her breast. Before looking up at her eyes and clearly stating what he wanted, determination filled his eyes. "I want you to teach me ho-how to pleasure you, love." As he finally said, Lilith couldn't help but chuckle as she let out a moan as he continued to play with her breast. "Hm~ oh newt ah... aren't you doing it already? Nga~, " she said as she enjoyed the feeling of her boyfriend's touch she thought as in enjoyment as it had been so long since someone else played with her like this.

"No, not like that. I-i want you to tell me what you want so that I can make you feel as good as possible." He said, blushing as he looked at you shyly smiling. Lilith chuckled, then held his hand on her chest to stop his movement . She said,"Then let's make each other feel good together ok?" She said as she gave him a kiss making him blush with the lust visible in her eyes seeing him nod she made him lay down beside her as she laid back beside him placing her head on his chest "I want to hear your groans and moans as I pleasure you, dear. And I also want you to hear mine so that you know how good you are making me feel." Newt just nodded his head, not trusting his words with how her words made him even more turned on.

She then held his left hand as his other arm was wrapped around her waist, locking her in place. Moving his hand lower to her body until he reached the zipper of her pants looking at him, she waited as she said, "Pull it down, hun." Hearing her say he said ok as he gulped reaching down to the zipper of her pants and pulling it down making him see a red laced fabric blocking his view from fully seeing her with red eyes he was about to help her pull her pants off but was stopped by her worried that he did something wrong he looked back at her but seeing her calm face he sighed in relief making her giggle and say "not yet, for know well just play the main event is for later~" she said as she kissed him as her right hand went back to his pants and unzip it making his tent even more visible to her as he blushing to see the tent in between his thighs she can't help but lick her lips seeing her look at it so intentionally he asked if she liked it making her nod her head and answer "very much" making newt feel pride that his girl likes his brother.


To be continued in the next chapter.

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