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Lilith's POV

I was walking down the hallway going to my next class when suddenly someone pushed me to the side. Grunting from the impact, I looked at the culprit to glare at them but instead raised a brow as I saw who it was. "What do we have here? The famous bookworm of the Marauders cornering a girl in the middle of the day?" I said out loud as I stared him directly in the eyes. "I would have expected this from Dora's cousin, but who knew you had it in you, Lupin..." I continued trying to taunt him so he would talk and not just stare at me though I do love the attention but not when I have more important things to do.

No One's POV

If others passed through the hall at that moment, they may have found the two teens in an ambiguous position, especially from a particular angle they may misunderstand the situation and think that they had a relationship if found even more so with how Remus was pressing on Lilith as if he wants to take her at that moment.

After a few minutes of staring, Remus finally opened his mouth and said, "What did you do?" Frowning at the shorter girl being caged by him. Not understanding what he meant, Lilith gave him a confused look and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Don't pretend, Bluerose, what did you do to James?" Remus reprimanded before repeating his question but with more context. Lilith's face morphed into understanding when Remus finished speaking, but instead of answering him She scowled at him and tried to push him away as she said, "It has nothing to do with you Lupin, mind your own business."

Not satisfied with her answer, Remus clasped her hand and held it above her, preventing her from pushing him away. "It does have something to do with me. You did something to James -" As he started to say, Lilith glared at him and cut him off "Why does it have to always be Potter? What about Peter? You don't ask about him? Do you know he came to me hurt? he has bruises on his back! And do you know who did that to him? His own best friend!" She fumed and pushed him as he loosened his grip on her. Giving him another glare, she was about to walk away but was stopped as a hand encircled her waist, pulling her to his chest, "Look I'm sorry, I can't apologise for what James did but I just want to know why he became like this." Lilith heard him say beside her ear as he breathed on her neck. Shaking her head, she stated, "What about Peter." "We were also shocked we didn't expect James to do that to him." Remus told her as he squeezed her closer to him, trying not to sniff her alluring scent as he buried his head on her neck, trying to not let out a growl "That doesn't explain why you didn't try to look for-" Lilith continued but was cute of by something wet gliding on her neck making her pause "I did try to look for worm tail but before I could get to him he was already gone..." Remus panted out as he leaned on the wall, sliding down, bringing Lilith with him now making her sit on his lap. "What is wrong with me? Why do I want to cage and lock her up.." Remus thought as he held her as he was stuck in his thoughts he didn't see a mischievous glint in Lilith's eyes.

Moving around, Lilith was now facing him with her thighs on both sides of him as she stared at him leaning forward making their chest touch Remus felt something soft on his chest making him snap out of his trance as he did so he found that he was now face to face with the girl. Raising her hands, she held his face slowly, caressing as he slid one arm, bringing him closer to her as she did so. Remus can't help but let out a deep growl, making her stop. Leaning back a bit, Lilith said, "It seems my hunch is right. The kind and caring marauder seems to be turning into a big bad wolf in a couple of days~" As Remus heard her he panicked and "accidentally" pushed her hips down on him making both of them grunt from the friction. Trying to get his focus back, Remus glared and whispered, "How do you know?" Squirming trying to adjust her position Lilith made it harder for Remus to concentrate but before he could ground her back down she stopped making the wolf in him angry and him uncomfortable. "Do you think no one would notice? When it comes closer to the full moon, you get sick, and during it, you would suddenly disappear for a few days. Not only that, your friends would also look a bit beat up during those few days." She said matter a fact then looked at his eyes and said, "Only an idiot or those that have better things to do wouldn't have noticed, Lupin." As she finished, she left him stunned and panicked."So other than my friends, others know I'm a..." he started to say, waiting for her response. Seeing her nod, he felt defeated but then asked, "Then why didn't they..." Seeing his sullen face Lilith finished for him "Why no one told on you?" Seeing him nod, she continued."Why would they? The world doesn't revolve around you, Lupin." Though her word was insensitive, they made him feel comforted about his worries sighing he buried his head in her neck, letting himself lose a bit of control as he sniffed her, making his wolf calm down.

Finally having enough of his sniffing, Lilith tried to push him, which he did aloud. Standing up, she patted herself from the dust. As she did so, she found her capture still on the ground leaning on the wall as he observed her. Finishing with what she was doing, she finally said, "Do you really want to know what happened between me and Potter?" Making him remember what he originally came to ask her and said "Yes" Nodding her head Lilith said as she stood up straight "On the night of the full moon before it reaches its peek meet me at the shrieking shack and tell your friends not to come." Stunned Remus stood up and said, "No! The beast will hurt you! And my friends they-" he tried to say but was cut off by her as she went closer to him "Oh I know what you're friends do for you and it really commendable but you won't be needing them for this." She said as she pressed herself onto him lasing her arms behind his neck and pushing his face closer to hers and said "Who said your wolf would hurt me...from what I could tell he is rather fond of me~" After saying so she pushed her lips to his kissing him, before pulling away she bit his bottom lip making him let out a dip rumble.

Finally done with their conversation, she turned around and walked away as she did so. Remus finally came out of his trance and shouted to her, "Th-then what should I tell them? They wouldn't just leave me alone if I asked them too." Not turning around, Lilith said."Find a way yourself." Waving her hand at him as she turned another corner, making him not able to see her anymore.

As Lilith left, a green formed on her lips as she thought about the night to come. I'm excited to check another person out of her to-do list.

 I'm excited to check another person out of her to-do list

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