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In this book there would be scenes of rape, abuse, torture and cheating. Character won't have a good childhood or life. And please no this isn't real life it's a fanfiction based off my imagination. I saw some bullied book were bullies fall in love with bullied or Naruto Neglect book were he makes a name for himself. Using those stories I decided to create a kind of real world scenario where my character goes through this, survive, goes through several healing process and makes a name for himself. Even finding love from ones who rejected him. This is not based off of real life but my imagination and none of the celebrities are like this real life am sure and I have no problem with them. Am just a person who loves coming from absolutely nothing to become successful stories. Later on in the book I will put a face for Elijah. 

Also know this book is like going from 2018 to a small futuristic kind of story. So things in this story are different. Example COVID happened but it was quickly stopped so it only lasted towards the end of 2019. The character age starts from 16 in high school. Was 17 in college, at 18 he finds his soul mate, goes undrafted and 19 well it will be in the book.


"Please am not a thief please"


The body of a weak 6 years old boy fell to the floor as he was hit twice with large sticks by fully grown men. He was stripped naked by them and paraded through the city  to be punished. He was accused of stealing by his stepmother but when he tried to explain that he was being framed he was stoned with a brick knocking him down. He was then stripped naked and paraded through out the streets as people gathered each calling him names as they hit him with sticks and planks.

They got to a particular spot where he was surrounded by a large crowd. He cried out as they stoned him "someone please help me am innocent"

"Shut up you thief. So you've been the one stealing from people in this community and causing havoc. We'll deal with you today and use you as an example to other thief's" One who had a stone in his hand said before throwing it at the boys face hitting his eye and his nose. He was already down trying to cover his body from the hits. He tried to get up and walk but was hit with another stick from a tree knocking him down. He could barely see due to some rocks hitting his eyes. But from the little he saw he saw kids just as little as he was also stoning him.

He cried trying to cover up his body to protect himself but it was to painful and unbearable for his little body. All of a sudden he felt liquid being poured touching his leg and arm. He never realized what was about to happen until  he felt immense pain the exact place were the liquids landed.

"ARGHHHHHH" He yelled put in pain as arm and leg was set on fire he cried out loudly begging for someone to help but all they did was laugh and add more of the liquid to the fire. "WHYYYY?" Someone yelled as he dragged the boy to a puddle of water to stop the fire.

"HE'S JUST A KID. WHY WILL YOU DO THIS TO A SMALL CHILD. WHAT DID  HE DO?" The man yelled standing in fron of the weak boy to protect him. "He's a thief" One of the crowd replied "he's a kid and how sure are you he committed what he is being accused of ?" The man asked but the people weren't interested in hearing what he had to say so they attacked him. With machetes, knifes, clubs and shovels but the man was strong.

He dodged the swing of the stick and punched the guy in the face knocking him down he used his leg to slam against the mans head he got sliced on his back with a machete but was able to take the guy down several cuts later from fighting all those guys and trying to protect the boy at the same time were starting to take a toll on him.

The man heard a scream and saw that the tire of a motorcycle was grinding into the boys body as he screamed out in pain coughing blood he ran to the boy in great pain tackling the man of the bike and raining his fist down on him. But eventually no matter how much fight he put up he was just one man and he had already taking so much damage. 

 At the end they were both dragged to a butcher shop were the made the boy watch as they brutally murdered the man that was like a father to him. He yelled for his father figure begging them as they gutted him alive and displayed his body on the streets while many celebrated.

"Now we can finish with you" One of the man said as the boy was still in the butcher shop hanged upside by his feet he was whipped to the point that part of his flesh had been ripped from his body.

They let his feet loose as he dropped head first onto the floor causing major damage to his head. When they took notice that the boy was not dead they dumped in a tub of water and dropped a exposed wired connected to a socket electrocuting him. By the time the police decided to go there and stop everything taking the boy to the hospital. 

By the time they got there the boy was pronounced dead much to the sadness of his mother. But when he was about to be taken to mug his sister saw his fingers move and they were able to save him keeping him alive. People who accused him of the crime were upset they were wealthy and in the country they were in if your rich you can bribe your way out of trouble. The boy was first called a wizard but that was dropped when he still had to move in a wheel chair.

Then the story that he bullied his niece and nephews came out that he was a bad child who liked to do bad things came out with fake prove. They made the whole country believe he was actually a thief and terrible child to the point that his own mother saw him as a disappointment she already believed the lies told about him by her family so she became ashamed of her last born. At the end he got no justice for what was done to him.

This was the story of boy who had suffered all his life as a child bullied, hated, lynched and isolated. Growing up just for his life to get even worse with no one to full turn to. This was the story of Elijah Davis the rejected.

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