Chapter 11

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I saw a comment that said I should have put a trigger warning and the person was right. I apologize. But there is going to be rape and all type of terrible things in this chapter and the next.

Elijah's POV:

"Hey little Ariana" I said to my adorable niece who was wide awake and staring at me while babbling and cooing happily "yeah but you cant pull his tails like that it's not nice" I said talking to her about a wild wolf that I had made friends with. I saved his life after hiding him from a polar bear when he was injured. Treated his wounds and let him go back to his family. Ever since then the wolf and his pack took a liking to us and were friendly toward Ariana, crazy.

She roll her eyes at me and I faked upset "who you rolling your eyes at? It better not be me" I joked as she laughed slobber rolling down her chin which I cleaned up with napkin. I grabbed her from her crib in to my arms and bounced her. It was a peaceful moment.

I was glad I accepted Priscilla's offer in running away and going to a secluded area. It was peaceful just the three of us that's all we had. Speaking of her she went to do grocery 9 am in the morning and it's currently 1 she hasn't been back since. I was getting worried.

Ariana started to yawn and cry a little so I knew she was hungry. Priscilla left three bottles of breast milk for her so I got one of that for her. "You hungry right, I know princess I know. Mommy left food for you" I cooed to her as I sat on the small wooden chair I built from wood and started to feed her the bottle. Just like I thought she was hungry as she lashed unto the bottle and started to eat with no stopping moving her little hand's and legs.

All of sudden the front door open and in walked Priscilla with a hoodie on her head and looking like she saw a ghost with bags of grocery in her hand. "Priscilla are you okay? What happened? What took so long?"

She didn't say anything instead she locked the door and placed the groceries on the table before taking a sit. Ariana who got full stopped eating and reach out for her mother who although scared about something which I could see in her eyes grabbed her and smiled.

"What's wrong?"

"Alex. I saw Alex" She said lowly like she was afraid if she said his name any louder he would pop out of nowhere. Tears slid down her face as fear consumed he. "He's in Alaska I think he is looking for us"

"Are you sure. Maybe he's here for another reason" I said trying to calm her down as she was going into full panic mode. "No, no, no he's looking for us" She said panicking even more "we have to leave later tonight"

"To where there is no place for us to go" I said

"Anywhere except here. We have to leave before he finds out that we are here. Am sure he didn't see me but what if he finds out we are here he will come looking for his punching bag" She said now crying in fear shaking.

"Take it easy Priscy. Your scaring Ariana" I said to her gently taking the now worried baby from her mother. "Your right he probably didn't see us" She said reassuring herself. "Help me put Ariana to sleep while I make dinner okay"

8:00 PM After Dinner

After eating dinner and putting Ariana to sleep we were playing scrabble were all of a sudden the door to our door was blasted open. We jumped up in fear only to see Alex walk in with lot's of men behind him making us back up in fear. 

"Hello Wife"

"Alex" Priscilla said surprised and just as afraid as I was. No, he did see her. "What you though you could escape from me and be happy you bitch after making my life misérable with your ugly self. Whose going to be my punching bag huh? Who am I going to take my frustration out on?"

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