Chapter 17

816 17 9

A Year and Five Months Later

Somewhere In Japan

5:00 am in the morning it was very quiet as a man worked out in a dark room with the only light come from the moon through the opened window. On the floor with only his two hands holding him up. The man did his sets of planch push-ups with ease he showed no signs of discomfort or tiredness as he kept going doing more and more. By now he had already done 25 and wanted to do more. His body covered in scars and his eyes shining with pure determination. 

This was what he did everyday since he woke up from his almost dead like coma and had recovered enough to walk and move on his own. Not like he wanted to be in a wheelchair or have things done for him. When he was told it would take him time to walk he kept a blank look and would push himself to walk step by step every chance he got till he was checked on and was relived that his bones had healed and he could work. It took him four months.

He wanted to be stronger, better, he was tired of being weak he hated it. Never again he told himself. He trained his body every day conditioning it to go through the harshest exercise with ease. He did everything from push ups, to sit ups, to squats, to running laps, to even callisthenic his favorites. They allowed him to go stronger without the use of an actual gym. He even took in rock climbing and he loved. After falling and picking himself up again, several injuries later he became good at it building arm and grip strength.

A part of him died when his sister died, a part of him left when he lost his niece but that part of him that still wanted to play professional basketball remained in him. He made a promise to his sister when she was alive that he would get better and be the best, the greatest. He doesn't need a trainer. He trained himself.

"Elijah" A voice called.

To focused on his workout the now known Elijah did not here the voice neither did he realize that the time was 7: 00 am as he finished his 3 set 10 handstand push up.


Elijah done with his exercise for the day realized that Mr Haru was calling him. "have you eating?" the man asked "no am not hungry." Elijah replied making Haru sigh. Haru was a 30 years old Japanese Korean man who was born in the U.S and grew up in Japan. After seeing what was done to Elijah and Priscilla he saved Elijah bringing him to Japan and nursing him back to health with help of a retired doctor and herbalist.

"You need to eat your traveling. Your strong but just 160 pounds  you need to be at least 170 pounds or more to be considered to play in any professional team. Teams would be worried about your weight" Upon hearing Haru's explanation Elijah released a sigh and nodded. 

"Okay but am going Rock climbing first" 

"Not today. We have to be at the airport soon so go clean and eat. The earlier we leave the earlier you can be at the court case."

In The United States

Alex POV

My life is so fucked right now. First I killed my wife for no reason, my dear wife I let Chloe fill my head with lies. I let her cousins feel my head with lies and now I used my hands to kill a woman that I would have been happy with crazy thing is she had a baby our baby I killed that to. Only to find out that Choles pregnancy wasn't even for me. I hate her. She ruined my life.

To think a year ago I was sitting in court in Elijah's trial after using my power to stop investigations on my wife death and put it on him and now I was here for my own sentencing. I was careless by recording the things I did to my wife my lovely Priscilla somehow the video got out and before I could even run I was arrested with no bail.

People found out about Elijah being dead and how I had something to do with it. They don't really know the extent we went with him thankfully, cause if they did  with the way the world was feeling guilty about what happened with him the consequences for me would be worse. They found out were we buried him but his body was not there shocking me and Lucas.

My entire family is in full panic. We are losing everything we worked for we never knew the thing we did to Priscilla would end up coming back to affect us. We thought we hid it well but everything is being exposed. We no longer own the Lakers, we are losing investors, our stocks are going down, we are being sued by people we threatened and our companies are being investigated for fraud so now our assets were frozen.

I listened to the prosecutor lay the accusations against me and my lawyer couldn't even defend me like he used to despite being one of the best lawyers in the world because the evidence were too much and extremely hard to deny. We knew we were losing this case.

"Finally we have reason to believe  Mr. Bridges and his brother along with the other people involved tortured Elijah to death and tortured him after murdering his sister and bringing him to LA." The man said.

"Really how so?" 

" In the video of when Elijah was being buried you could see him covered in blood along with some fresh scar. If you go to the area you could still see you huge amounts of dried blood there. To add to this, the was a piece of skin belonging to Elijah "

The judge nodded looking at me with disgust he banged his gravel. "The court sentence Alex Bridges to life imprisonment for homicide, manslaughter, rape, bribery and fraud. The court sentence Lucas Bridges to 35 years in prison for manslaughter, bribery and fraud. The Bridges company will be shut down and all their assets will belong to the government. They will no longer own ownership of the Lakers or any other NBA team.

My heart dropped life imprisonment. I looked at Lucas and could see he was terrified.  We knew we were not  going to be getting any protection in prison as we were now broke. The once wealthy and powerful Bridges family is no more. We lost everything. The prisoners who joined us in killing Elijah as well as the one who were doing it before had more years added to their time  some possibly death penalty. The officers were now disgraced and about to lose their freedoms. 

I could see my parent and other sibling about to pass out that we just lost everything and became broke. Our enemies were going to come for us. Shit I might not even survive in prison. Someone help me. 

Walking out the courtroom with police dragging us I was afraid very afraid those prisoner were going to make my life hell after I abandoned them. "Damn I really wanted to be there for the sentencing but seeing you bastards walking in shame will have to do "  a voice said and I turned to look at the person.

And what I saw was someone that was supposed to be dead "how?" I gasped

A/N: Guess who?

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