Chapter 22

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Miracle's POV:

I got done with my hair putting on some body oil to smell good

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I got done with my hair putting on some body oil to smell good. Walking out my house I got in the car and drove to Arena for the Sacramento King's game against OKC. I don't why but we just wanted to go out and  we chose basketball since Sacramento had a home game and is the only California basketball team that has a home game we decided to go. 

After more than a year away from the world hiding in Barbados then traveling to London and Sweden. We decided to come back and just spend time with loved ones here before going back to Sweden. The time away has given time to think about our past actions. Am not one to really regret doing anything I never gave a fuck. But concerning my soulmate I regret everything. '

I did him wrong. I never even gave him a chance. Despite everything Elijah has always showed that he had a kind heart taking care of me when I was sick or when I got drunk. Saving me from being hit by a van or when he took a bullet for me and I just left him there. Elijah was always smiling at everyone even when they did him wrong. He had always been there for us being the best soulmate one could ever ask for. We just chose to ignore it  and continue the way we viewed him based on the image that was created of him.

I had everything or at least I thought. I owned the biggest clubs in the U.S. My hotels and restaurants where among the best in the country I will dare say in the world. I worked with the biggest fashion brand in the world. I had a relationship that wasn't even worth it. I had a man a soulmate and I lost him for good. Even with all the wealth and status I wasn't happy I hated myself after Elijah died knowing he was innocent and never getting to thank him for all the things he did for me. I hated Lori. I just couldn't believe that my sister would pull this kind of shit. 

The time I took away from the world with my girls did me good. I have been going to therapy and it's been helping. I took the time to focus on myself and try to change myself from the monster I had become. I arrived at the arena too see Robyn, Beyoncé and Solange getting out the car. 

"Damn Miracle you look good" Robyn playfully flirted I winked at her. With our security next to us we got through the checking and everything before finally getting into the arena. Several of both Kings and Thunder players came into the arena. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw the OKC Thunders Point guard I felt a sensation in me that just told me it was him.

"Is that?" Solange voiced out the same question we were thinking "Elijah"

What the hell happened when we were away?


OKC Thunder  - Sacramento King's

Tip Off

Ref threw the ball in the air for jump ball as both teams main center went into the air. Holmes go to the ball first tipping it to Barnes who then passes to Fox. Elijah seeing Fox was moving towards the wing went there to wait for him going into a defensive position. Fox being the quick shifty player he was made an attempt to drive right towards the basket but his path was blocked by Elijah pressuring him to go back and look for an opportunity or an open teammate. 

Barnes made a cut towards the basket Fox seeing him passed to him which Barnes made a layup using the backboard. Gallinari made a bound pass to Elijah who brought the ball up the court before passing to a open Adams in the paint who then slammed the ball into the net.

King's  -  Thunder

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Elijah set a screen for Shai who used the screen to get inside get heavily defended by both his defender and Elijah's. Seeing Elijah open at top of the key he did a bounce to him as Elijah shot the ball making the three pointer. By the time the first quarter ended King had a four point league. With Elijah having five points, 2 assist and one rebound.

The thunder struggled during the second quarter with Elijah and Shai doing their best to keep the team in the league playing stellar defense with Shai having a block and a steal and Elijah having two steal. The two of them had to carry their team on offense as Elijah was making great passes but his teammate were not making their shots. Shai struggled a bit earlier in the second quarter but after making his first three in the quarter with an assist from Elijah he got comfortable making midrange and threes,

That still didn't still wasn't enough to help Thunder close the league so Elijah settled for taking the ball to the paint for layups or making threes. Buddy Hield made a three for Kings increasing there league so the ball was now in Oklahoma's possession. Elijah brought the ball up the court  dribbling between his leg before doing a crossover driving left then doing a step back catching Fox off guard and do a split. Elijah used the space and shot a three making.

He got back on defense blocking Fox layup attempt and grabbing the ball before anyone else could he launched a pass to Adams who caught it and dunked it as soon as he got in the paint.

King's had the ball again trying to get pass OKC now improved defense. Settling for passing the ball till Hield got open in the corner the ball was passed to him and he shot a three missing it. Elijah ran towards the other end as Dortz grabbed rebound launching a pass to Elijah.

The ball fell right into Elijah's hand has he went up for a dunk just in time as Holmes had got close to him.

"And that would cut the league to six. It would seem that OKC are starting to shake off the bad plays earlier in the game"

"They playing good defense to most especially the two guards"

Elijah drove towards the basket drawing defenders to him he did a behind the back pass to an open Shai who pulled up for a midrange making it.

"Good pass Eli"

Third Quarter came with Thunder dominating on both ends increasing the league and eventually winning the game at the end of the fourth quarter. They lost the game to the Mavs but won this won with Elijah having the best performance with  30 points, 9 assist, 5 rebounds, 2 steal, 1 block with 50 % field goal shooting and 40% from three.

 King's  -  Thunder

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A/N: So the ladies just found out that Elijah is alive and playing in the NBA. What do you think will happen next chapter?  Comment below.

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