Chapter 1

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Upon completing my bath, I proceeded to my bedroom to prepare for the day

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Upon completing my bath, I proceeded to my bedroom to prepare for the day. I walked with stealth and vigilance, ensuring no sound escaped my movements.

You may be curious why I felt the need to move so covertly within my
abode. The truth is, I aimed to face my internal struggles in solitude and without disturbance. Upon reaching my room, which doubles as a storage space, I could not complain as I was grateful to have my area, even if
it were as small as a matchbox. Upon entering, I immediately locked the door and let out a sigh of relief. It was only then, that I realized my hands were trembling from nervousness, fearing what would have happened if I had encountered him in the hallway.

I proceed to my humble cardboard cupboard and reach for my carefully folded and neatly stacked grey kurta and pants. I change into the traditional attire with utmost care and attention to detail. Afterwards, I apply a homemade cream to moisturize my skin and enhance its natural glow. I carefully apply kajal to my eyes to accentuate their beauty. As a finishing touch, I search for my beloved anklets, which hold a special place in my heart and complete the look.

"Ugh, where the heck did, I put my anklets?" I groan, getting
frustrated. "I mean, I can handle being hungry, but I can't go
without my accessories. Please, someone, help me find them." I keep searching, hoping they will turn up soon. 

"I'm so glad I found them! Thank goodness." I hastily slip on my anklets and rise to observe my reflection in the medium-sized mirror.

It's not some hidden fact that every women love being told they look beautiful. Well, for me, it is kind of a curse. My friends frequently compliment my curves and facial features, yet each time I hear those words, I am filled with resentment towards God for bestowing me with beauty.

I despise being beautiful. It is like, if only I was not attractive, or if I had a scar or something, maybe I would not be in this mess.

I was so lost in my own thoughts and realized too late that I forgot to lock my room with the second lock. I jumped in surprise when I saw the doorknob turn, revealing that the door was now open. I felt a lump in my throat and sweat forming on my neck as I saw who had entered the room.

I hope, you liked the 1st Chapter. I know it wasn't even 500 words... but i can't complete the story in 1 chapter...can i???
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