Chapter 24

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I gather myself and hurriedly pick up the shattered glass pieces from the floor

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I gather myself and hurriedly pick up the shattered glass pieces from the floor. My heart pounding, I sprint towards Anvi's room, praying that she'll be okay. As I arrive at the door, my breath catches in my throat. Inside, the doctor is tending to Anvi, her face still pale and unconscious. Papa is tightly embracing Maa, who can't hold back her tears, and the sight of her anguish sends a sharp pang through my chest. Rudy, with a worried expression and glistening eyes, is sitting by Anvi's bedside, a silent sentinel of concern. Aanvik, usually so composed, stands nearby, his face a canvas of anxiety, though he tries to conceal it. The tension in the room is unbearable, and time feels like it's crawling at a snail's pace. After what seems like an eternity, Anvi finally stirs, her eyelids fluttering open. A collective sigh of relief fills the room, a poignant testament to the love and concern we all hold for her.

My heart races as I attempt to slip away from Anvi's room, but Aanvik's angry gaze pins me in my tracks. A chill runs down my spine, and I know I've been caught. Reluctantly, I turn and hurry out of the room, the weight of Aanvik's disapproval heavy on my shoulders. As I retreat, I catch a snippet of Aanvik's conversation with Maa, leaving me with an uneasy feeling. Before I can make a clean escape, I sense his presence behind me, and then, with a sudden, painful grip on my hair, I'm yanked backwards toward his room. My heart pounds, and I know that I'm about to face the consequences of my unknown and unintentional actions. 

Agony courses through me, and a scream escapes my lips as Aanvik continues to pull me into his room, heedless of my pain

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Agony courses through me, and a scream escapes my lips as Aanvik continues to pull me into his room, heedless of my pain. With a forceful push, he hurls me inside, and the door slams shut behind me. I scramble on the floor, trying to distance myself from him, but my body is unresponsive and sluggish. My head spins with dizziness, a result of the chaotic events and my empty stomach, having not eaten since the wedding. As I feel myself teetering on the brink of unconsciousness, the world darkening around me, Aanvik's relentless grip on me persists. He pulls me up, shoving me roughly against the wall, a stern and unforgiving expression etched on his face.

"You wanted to kill her!? You wanted to fucking harm my sister, my sister!? I will not leave you today, I will kill you with my bare hands, how dare you! How dare you?" Aanvik's voice thunders with rage, his words a terrifying accusation that sends shivers down my spine. I try to speak, to explain, but before I can utter a word, his hands close around my throat, squeezing, and my air supply is cut off. Panic surges through me, and I gasp for breath, struggling to convey my innocence amidst his overwhelming fury.

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