Chapter 33

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Determined not to upset Dadi Sa any further, I make my way towards Aanvik's room, my face tense with worry over the Khandani Kangan

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Determined not to upset Dadi Sa any further, I make my way towards Aanvik's room, my face tense with worry over the Khandani Kangan. The fear of breaking or losing them weighs heavily on me, knowing the immense trust Dadi Sa has placed in me by gifting these ancestral Kangans. I can't bear the thought of disappointing her or hurting her emotions.

The responsibility to keep these precious Kangans safe becomes paramount in my mind. I pause in my steps, realizing I had forgotten Rudra's breakfast. How could I overlook such an essential task? He must be hungry, and I can't let him go without a proper meal. At the breakfast table, everyone inquired about Rudra, and even Dadi Sa showed concern, but Aanvik skillfully managed to divert their attention by explaining that Rudra had returned late and requested not to be disturbed for breakfast.

Rushing back to the kitchen, I quickly prepare all of Rudra's favourite dishes. With the breakfast in hand, I head to his room, knocking before entering. I find him emerging from the bathroom, and a smile forms on my face. I sit him on the bed and serve him the delicious spread. His face lights up with a beautiful smile as he takes in all his favourite dishes before him.

"Why the special treatment, Bhabhs? It's not even my birthday. Vi must be green with envy right now," Rudra teases, lightening the mood and bringing a smile to my face, easing my guilt. I explain that it's my way of apologizing, and he responds by hugging me, reassuring me that it's not my fault and that he'll do it all over again for me. Grateful, I hug him back, expressing my thanks, and begin feeding him as he shares details about his college life. Amidst the meal, he notices my weary appearance and asks why I seem pale and tired. Unsure of how to respond, I contemplate making excuses. Before I can answer, Aanvik's voice interrupts, shifting Rudra's attention from me to him. I inwardly breathe a sigh of relief, thankful for Aanvik's timely interruption.

Rudra's joy is evident as he embraces Aanvik, their warm hug accompanied by a small, relieved smile on Aanvik's face. However, as soon as Aanvik notices me, the smile vanishes, replaced by that familiar cold look. I lower my gaze, wincing at the pain in my throat. Checking my temperature, I feel a burning sensation and realize I should take some medicine before I faint, reminiscent of the incident during the pooja.

Deciding to excuse myself, I stand up, but my feet falter, and dizziness overwhelms me. Aanvik quickly catches me, placing me on the bed with a mix of curiosity, confusion, and concern on his face. Sensing that I might faint again, I attempt to stand but succumb to dizziness once more. Rudra rushes over, visibly worried. As he reaches to touch my face, I pull away, causing hurt to flicker in his eyes. I feel guilty, but I can't let him discover my fever, fearing he might reveal it to everyone in the house. Attempting to reassure Rudra, I explain that I'm just feeling a bit weak and will be fine after taking medicine. Although he remains unconvinced, he nods when I insist that I'm okay. Redirecting his attention, I start feeding him while engaging in conversation, but I can sense Aanvik's watchful eyes on me, adding to my nervousness.

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