Chapter 21

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I slowly bend down to pick up the strands of hair on the floor

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I slowly bend down to pick up the strands of hair on the floor. As I reach out to grab them, I notice the sharp, jagged pieces of shattered glass surrounding me. Despite the danger, I am determined to clean up the mess. I carefully gather up the hair and toss it in the nearby dustbin. Then, with cautious hands, I pick up the scattered pieces of glass. In the corner of my eye, I notice him already fast asleep in bed. The room is dimly lit, casting a faint glow across the scene. I switch off the remaining light and walk towards the mirror. In front of it, I see a small switch on the side. With a flick of my finger, the beautiful yellow light above the mirror illuminates the room, casting a warm and welcoming glow.

I gaze at my reflection in the mirror, focusing on my hair. I gather all my hair to the front of my body and observe that they have been roughly cut at the ends. A pang of distress washes over me as I witness the state of my hair. With trembling hands, I reach for the same pair of scissors and carefully trim my hair to ensure it's even. After I'm finished, I check my hair once more, noting that it now falls to my waist.

As I stand before the mirror, fixated on my reflection, my mind replays the recent events that took place. The hatred that Aanvik Shekhawat holds towards me is so intense that I feel it burning through my skin. I never thought anyone could despise me more than my Chachi family, but Aanvik has proven me wrong. I am left wondering what I could have possibly done to deserve such animosity from him. 

I glance at my torn saree, which now drapes loosely over my shoulder, leaving my upper body exposed. Turning towards the mirror, I examine myself. I see the deep red vermillion in my hair's parting, the nuptial chain adorning my neck, and the wedding bangles on my wrists. My gaze shifts to my face, where bruises from earlier still mar my skin. As I look further down, my attention locks on my neck, where a large bruise is forming. It's the first time I've seen myself this way, with numerous bruises covering every part of my body and scars adorning my back. A dull ache festers in my chest, but not a single tear escapes. I can't help but think that if I had cried, perhaps my husband would have believed that I wasn't at fault in this situation. If only I had cried...

My body sways and dizziness overtakes me. I shut my eyes, trying to regain my composure. With unsteady and stumbling steps, I search for a place to rest in the room. However, my concentration wanes as the dizziness intensifies with each step. My vision becomes hazy and unfocused as I make my way to the door, attempting to open it. But it proves futile, and I sense myself succumbing to the encroaching darkness.

Oh god, please don't let me faint...


  My abrupt awakening came with a gasp, as a cascade of ice-cold water drenched me. Startled, I flinched violently, my head colliding with a hard wall behind me, causing an immediate wave of pain to surge through me. With a groan, I instinctively clutched my throbbing head. Blinking away disorientation, I managed to focus on the figure in front of me. It was Aanvik, holding a jug of water, his face twisted into a smug smirk as he observed my discomfort. Still struggling to piece together my surroundings, I felt a sudden, firm grip on my arms. Startled, I was hauled upwards, and as my eyes cleared, I found myself gazing up into Aanvik's face, his features uncomfortably close to mine.

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