Chapter 19

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I remained in a state of shock, still processing the unsettling events that had transpired downstairs

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I remained in a state of shock, still processing the unsettling events that had transpired downstairs. I had never fathomed the depth of his animosity towards me, even though I understood that he was hurting too. It was unfathomable how he could harbour such intense resentment toward both me and Baba. It left a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

An involuntary whimper escaped my lips as he tightened his grip on my already wounded arms. The weight of the saree I was wearing added to the difficulty of the situation, as his forceful tugs caused the fabric to tangle around my feet, impeding my ability to walk.

I could see him leading me towards a desolate chamber, and when I glanced back, I realized we were completely isolated in the corridor. A growing sense of fear and panic enveloped me as the daunting prospect of being alone with him sank in.

Aanvik forcefully swung the door open, causing me to be flung unceremoniously onto the floor. A soft hiss escaped my lips as my head lightly collided with the unforgiving floor. I surveyed the room adorned for the wedding night. I stood frozen, a sharp flinch coursing through me when I felt his touch on my shoulders. With a rough twirl, he twists my hand secures it on my backside, and pulls me towards him.

I shut my eyes briefly, feeling a slight wave of dizziness wash over me from the rapid and unexpected movements in my body

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I shut my eyes briefly, feeling a slight wave of dizziness wash over me from the rapid and unexpected movements in my body. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in intimate proximity to him, and I felt myself getting lost in the depth of his warm, brown eyes, while looking at his expressions, I was sure he was planning to murder me.

A sharp intake of breath escaped me as he drew me nearer, leaving only the tiniest sliver of space between us. A pained whimper escaped my lips, resonating with the agony coursing through my hands. The wounds, his firm grasp, and the absence of adequate medication intensified the excruciating ache.

 The wounds, his firm grasp, and the absence of adequate medication intensified the excruciating ache

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