Chapter 30

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Standing there stunned and confused, I grappled with the bewildering silence replaying the events in my mind

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Standing there stunned and confused, I grappled with the bewildering silence replaying the events in my mind. Why didn't he say anything? Did he trust me enough to confront Sameer? Did his silence signal trust or anger? Was this a turning point in our relationship? My mind was a tumult of questions, each one weighing heavily on me, threatening to overwhelm my thoughts. The events of today played on a loop, and the weight of unanswered questions and uncertainty pressed on, making my headache with the possibilities and I feared it might burst from the swirling thoughts.

Gathering my composure, I wrapped myself up and cautiously headed towards Rudra's room, hoping to avoid any onlookers. Despite my legs still trembling, I rushed to Rudra's side, disregarding my well-being. At that moment, all that mattered was ensuring Rudra was unharmed, free from any repercussions caused by my actions or presence.

Standing before Rudra's room, I work to steady my nerves, determined not to show any signs of flinching when he approaches or hugs me. It's crucial he doesn't interpret my reaction as fear. Taking a deep breath, I compose myself entirely before knocking and entering his room.

The moment he spots me, Rudra rushes forward, enveloping me in a tight embrace that triggers panic within me. Suppressing the urge to flinch or push him away, I remind myself he deserves better than my anxiety. Despite the difficulty, I manage to hug him back, sensing his visible relief. To my surprise, I hear muffled crying and sniffles against my shoulder, tears soaking through. Realizing he's in distress, I soothe him by running my hands through his hair. After a while, he finally calms down, and I guide him to sit on the bed. With a red nose and puffy eyes, he looks surprisingly adorable.

Softly, I inquire, "Why are you crying, my love?" cradling him gently, prompting another wave of breakdown. As I console him, he confesses feeling guilty for leaving me alone, causing my heart to squeeze in pain and my eyes to well up. I ponder what I did to deserve such a beautiful family. Regardless of how Aanvik treats me, even if it's akin to being a slave, I'm determined not to abandon this family.

I begin tending to his cuts and wounds, gently blowing on them when he flinches. Throughout the process, I sense his curious gaze fixed on me. Looking up, I catch him smiling at me.

"Bhabhi, we are just 2 years younger then you, then why do you treat us like we are 10 years old?" Rudra asks in a curious tone and I pause and look at him not knowing how to answe this question. How do I tell him that I am trying to find Zee in everyone who is younger than me. How do I tell him that it even though I am not showing it, it feels even difficult to breathe without him. How do I tell him that I see my child in him and that's why my mother instincts come alive. I close my eyes and Zee's smiling face comes in front of my eyes causing a pained smile to conquer my face.

I offer a smile, choosing not to address his question as I gently lay him down, providing painkillers and an ice pack for his eyes. As I cover him with blankets, the painkillers take effect, and he drifts into sleep. Watching him for a few more moments, I turn off the lights and leave the room. With a shivering body and a nervous state, I head towards Aanvik's chamber.

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