Chapter 2

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TW:- Rape

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TW:- Rape.

"Did you seriously think that if you lock the room, I will not enter?" he asked sternly. With a cold tone, he continued, "You seem to forget that this is my home, and I have keys to every room."

He proceeded to enter the room and locked the door. The sound of the door closing sent shivers down my spine, leaving me paralyzed as I watched him turn towards me with a sinister grin. His expression revealed his sinister intentions. He took his time, his gaze lingering on my body, leaving me uncomfortable. He took additional time to look at my breast as his eyes roved over my body, making me feel unhappy with my waist. I hurriedly covered myself with a dupatta, but I knew that even the longest garment in the world wouldn't be enough to protect me.

"I didn't mean to lock the door, chachu. I was going to unlock it after changing. Please believe me," I stumbled over my words. He approached me, closing the distance, and positioned himself directly in front of me.
He grabbed my arms firmly while across the entire distance; his claws were so tight on my sleeves that they nearly tore. When the ache spread to my arms, I whimpered. I tried removing my arms from his hold, struggling a lot but stopping when I realized he was not going to leave me.

"I'm sorry, Chacha. I promise not to lock the door again. Please do not do it today as I am not feeling well and am on my period," I pleaded in a soft and humble tone, hoping he would spare me today.

"Oh, you're begging me. You look good doing it. But I would be even more pleased if you begged on your knees. Kneeling and pleading is what I demand." He said with authorization and lust dripping in his voice. I used all my power to push him away while pleading with him to leave and yelling for assistance in the hopes that this time, someone would hear me. However, when I realized that no one was going to come and save me today, I also understood that there was no way I could escape this predicament.

He pulled me firmly by my hair as he made his way to the bed. He tossed me to the ground and told me to go on my knees while perching on the edge of the bed. I was unable to follow his instructions since it appeared that my body had lost all its vigour. My heart was pleading with me to pay attention to him because, if I did not, he would punish me by making death afraid to claim me, but my body disobeyed and ignored him.

He was waiting for me to submit to him, but when I refused, he gave me two strong slaps. When he gave me a third, I was utterly shocked by the impact. With the velocity my head struck the floor, my forehead was cut open, spilling blood, and my cheeks ached from the repeated blows. He forced me to my knees while grabbing my hair. He swiftly undid his belt and pushed his boxers and slacks down. He held his penis in front of my mouth after taking it out.

When I did not open my mouth the way he wanted me to, he cursed and hit me in the jaw. I whimpered in agony, but the tears I expected did not fall from my eyes. When I begged him not to, he punched me in the jaw again, with the same force he shoved his cock in my mouth. I tried to push him away, but as I struggled, he became more enthused and continued to attack my mouth until he orgasmed. 

I spewed his semen and blood as I coughed and collapsed on the ground. He wasted little time in attempting to pick me up, but the more he struggled, the more forcefully my body rebelled. All I wanted was for it to end.

He kicked my stomach hard and slapped me again when I did not rise, making me feel disoriented. I began to dash for the door in the vain hope that someone would listen, even though I knew it would be useless.

I heard the material being torn just as I was going to knock on the door for assistance. My hands moved to the front of my kurta to keep it in place as I choked on a sob.

He pulled the remaining kurta off my body as he turned me nearer himself. Then he cut through the pants I was wearing with the knife, leaving me entirely exposed in front of him. He carried me to the bed and began slapping and punching me, giving me peach-coloured bruises all over.
I gave up and acknowledged my fate. When I saw him approaching with a knife, my eyes widened in shock.

"Chachu, do not do this, please. I kept pleading with him, "Please Chachu, don't use a knife, please Chachu," hoping he would relent and show some kindness. He climbed up on top of me and began fingering me, biting me, causing severe scratches on my torso and breast. 

"Chachu, please stop that! You already know I am menstruating. Please halt this. It stings! Please lend me a hand! I yelled at him repeatedly to stop,
but he continued.

Even as I started bleeding, he kept thrusting into me brutally. Nonetheless, he did not stop. He continued to rape me. He took the knife and began tattooing my inner thighs, vagaina, and tummy. I yelled in agony with each incision he made. I begged him to stop, but he did not; instead, he slapped me again and began pounding me until I was on the verge of passing out.

He came inside me with a grunt and stood up. I was motionless and covered in blood and revulsion. He lit a cigarette and then blew it up in my arms. I did not have the energy to yell, so I accepted anything he offered. He took out the wand of cash and threw it on his face walking out of the room.

I had no idea I had passed out from the discomfort. I awoke after I didn't know how long. Getting up with difficulty and walking towards the box that held my clothes, I took out the loose t-shirt and shorts and struggled to put them on. I walked over to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror.

The bruises on my face spoke the story of what had just happened to me. But it did not exhibit any tears. There was not a single tear in my eyes.
I started slapping myself and pinching myself hard. I began assaulting myself, but I felt powerless because I hadn't found a single tear in my life. I yelled and screamed in anguish till I almost passed out from exhaustion and blood loss, my cramps getting the best of me. I laugh mirthlessly at my existence, which has remained the same for the previous 9 years.

Hello, my name is Vaani Rajput, and this is my life.

I know for a second chapter, it was messed up... but the story has to be this way. I am sorry if it made you uncomfortable but I promise it gets better as the story continues... I hope you like it.

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Also, you can check the Character Aesthetics on my Instagram ID:- undercover_sunshin3

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