Chapter 34

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A big shoutout to the people who got the answer right!

@puzzledlife  @Opacarophile_11  SaswatiMishra9  @08_6EDharshana . You got the answer!!!! I hope you all like the story so far. Thank you for giving my story a chance. Love you all!

Now back to the chapter.

I was seated in the auto and instructed the driver to head towards the Shekhawat mansion

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I was seated in the auto and instructed the driver to head towards the Shekhawat mansion. He shot me a peculiar look, seemingly questioning my choice of transportation for a destination as opulent as the city's wealthiest estate. Ignoring his judgmental gaze, I provided the address and sternly told him to focus on driving. He seemed taken aback by my abrupt tone, but I couldn't care less at that moment. All I yearned for was to reach the Shekhawat estate, a bitter smile forming on my lips as I pondered the concept of calling it "home." How could it be home when my husband, a heartless beast, failed to treat me with even basic respect? The irony of referring to that place as home stung me deeply, considering the contemptuous treatment I endured.

Frustration and bitterness bubbled within me as I reflected on the loveless marriage, the lack of familial support, and the overwhelming feeling of isolation. Deciding to divert from my initial destination, I directed the driver to stop at the city park. His mocking smile in response only fueled my emotional turmoil, and I shook my head with a painful smile.

The desire for an end to the ceaseless pain lingered in my thoughts, and I couldn't shake the notion that death might be a respite. Struggling with the concept of home and family, I grappled with the question of what I had done to deserve such a tormented existence. The semblance of hope shattered when Swayam entered my life, disrupting any semblance of normalcy. Amid my despair, questions haunted me. Where was Swayam when I needed him most? Why did he appear now, seemingly indifferent to the turmoil that unfolded in his absence? The anger and resentment I felt towards him were insurmountable; forgiveness seemed an impossible feat. The passing vehicles became a blurry backdrop to the turmoil within my mind, a relentless stream of thoughts echoing my pain and disillusionment.

After he dropped me off at the city park, I paid him and made my way to a quiet spot beneath the vast banyan tree. I curled up with my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them, and observed the surroundings. Despite the late morning hour, the weather was mild, and the park still bustled with people. Children of various ages played joyfully, while couples strolled, basking in the warmth of the sun and each other's affection. A bittersweet smile crossed my face as I watched couples gaze into each other's eyes with love, adoration, and a commitment to stay together. A pang of pain and sorrow gripped my stomach as the realization sank in that I might never experience such love and respect.

Observing the man tenderly kissing his wife's forehead and then cradling her head on his lap while feeding her fruits, his fingers gently running through her hair, I witnessed the intimate moments shared among the others around me. The same woman, now looking at her husband with a gleam in her eyes, embraces him tightly, eliciting laughter as they both tumble onto the grass. As I glance at the joyous children playing nearby, my thoughts involuntarily drift back to Zee, and a cry escapes from my lips as I recall him. Huddled in on me, I bury my face in my knees, I sob uncontrollably as the weight of everything that has transpired engulfs me. The ache in my heart intensifies, and the desperate yearning for Zee becomes unbearable. In that vast gathering, no one had ever loved me like that little boy did. No one has ever desired my presence like he did. My sobs intensify as I reminisce about the precious moments we shared. With my breath caught in my dry throat, I shut my eyes tightly in an attempt to quell the rising emotions, fearing another impending panic attack.

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