Chapter 36

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Aanvik's POV

I forcefully pulled her into the house, seething with anger over her lateness. Gripping her arms tightly, enough to potentially leave a mark, I expected a reaction, yet she remained strangely calm. When I glanced at her, her distant and exhausted expression halted me. Pausing, I studied her, hoping for any response, but she appeared disconnected, as if yearning for nothing but rest. Even as I tightened my grip, she remained unresponsive, standing like a statue, leaving me increasingly concerned.

I glared at her and, frustrated, began to tug at her arms. As I pulled her along, her grip weakened, and suddenly her arms slipped from my grasp. Startled, I turned to find her sprawled unconscious on the porch. Gasping, I knelt beside her, repeatedly calling out her name, yet she remained unresponsive, deepening my alarm. Kneeling closer, I reached out, my hand trembling as I touched her face. A slight flinch in her unconscious state made me retract my hand hastily. Panic and helplessness surged within me as I stared at her, uncertain of what to do next. Without hesitation, I gathered her into my arms, urgency flooding my movements, and dashed towards the hospital, every step laden with worry for her well-being.

I stormed into the hospital, heedless of the commotion around me, cradling her in my arms as I made a beeline for the private wing. Ignoring the clamor and the voices trying to halt me, my focus was solely on reaching help for her. The security personnel attempted to intervene, but a seething glance from me was enough to force them to step back, allowing me to continue without obstruction.

Rushing into the private wing, I carefully laid her on one of the beds, urgently calling for a doctor. A female doctor swiftly approached, and I poured out the entire harrowing incident, desperation lacing every word. However, when I pleaded to stay by her side, the doctor insisted I wait outside while she attended to her. I adamantly refused, but the doctor was resolute, forcibly escorting me out of the room.

Fury coursed through me as I clenched my jaw, my frustration boiling over. With an abrupt, violent gesture, I hurled a nearby chair in an outburst of anger. Just then, my phone vibrated, displaying Maa's name on the screen. Struggling to regain composure, I answered the call, narrating the entire ordeal to her. Her assurance that they were all rushing to the hospital momentarily quelled the storm within me.

Ten long minutes passed, each second seemingly stretching into eternity, yet the door remained closed, and no doctor emerged to provide an update on her condition. Time crawled by, dragging on with excruciating slowness, and my anxiety intensified with each passing moment.

Then, as if an eternity had passed, Dad forcefully burst into the room, followed closely by Maa, Vi, and Rudy trailing behind him. Maa, concern etched deeply on her face, approached me, her voice laced with worry as she inquired about what had transpired. But I found myself incapable of uttering a single word in response.

We all hovered in the tense atmosphere, an air of anticipation enveloping us like a suffocating shroud. Overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, I sank into a seat, a perplexing sense of responsibility weighing heavily upon me. Confusion clouded my mind as I questioned why I was the one consumed with worry, why I had gone to such lengths to bring her here, and why I felt an unexpected surge of concern for her well-being.

The door to Vaani's room opened and we all stood up and the look on doctor's face scared me a little bit.

"You all are patient's family?" Doctor asked and we nodded. She looked at all of us and I don’t know why she looked a little hesitant to talk about Vaani's situation.

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