Chapter 16

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I struggled to contain my anger as I observed her ignoring me, occupied with adjusting the pallu of her saree

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I struggled to contain my anger as I observed her ignoring me, occupied with adjusting the pallu of her saree. The soft jingling of her anklet provided an oddly soothing backdrop to my frustration. I was certain she could sense my eyes on her, yet she remained silent and unmoved. What perplexed me further was her decision to conceal her back with the saree's pallu, leaving me to furrow my brows in confusion. I don't know why, but I am dying to see her face in all the traditional jewellery. Why the hell I am being like this? If I want to see her face I will see her face. If I want to fuck her, I will fuck her... no questions asked.

"Vaani, turn around," I issued the command with a harsh tone, noticing her immediate reaction of tensing up. A smirk formed on my lips as I observed my impact on her. After a brief moment of hesitation, she complied and turned to face me.

I found myself momentarily speechless as I took in her appearance. She looked... beautiful. Her gaze was cast downwards, avoiding direct eye contact. Stepping closer to her, I pulled her into my embrace, causing her to gasp softly and her breath to catch.

"Look at me," I softly instructed, and slowly, her eyes met mine.

"Ethereal..." I breathed, unable to find a more fitting word to describe her at that moment.

I studied her features closely, searching for something that seemed to be missing. My brow furrowed in confusion as I continued to observe her face. It became apparent that she was staring into space with a vacant expression. While her physical beauty was undeniable, there was a certain radiance and youthful glow that seemed absent. What she lacked was that effervescent light that typically graced the face of a young woman, the kind of smile that added youthfulness and vibrancy to her appearance. It was as if she had become numb to all her emotions and feelings, leaving behind a hollow emptiness.

"The pallu should be draped over your head; it's not meant to be used as a cloth to cover your back. So, unless you're using the pallu to cover your head, it should be allowed to flow freely, not covering your back." Saying this, I gently removed the pallu that had been covering her back and let it fall. I noticed her tense up slightly and observed a sudden nervousness in her demeanor. She began to speak but then decided to remain silent, moving back to her seat.

After a minute or two, the pilot announces that we'll be landing soon. I notice her gripping her seat tightly and shutting her eyes. Could it be that she's afraid of flying?

The flight touches down at the airport, and I see her stand up and move towards the front of the plane. She greets all the crew members with smiles, shakes hands with them, and expresses her gratitude for their hospitality. They all seem genuinely pleased with her. I furrow my brow in confusion as I glance at her back and notice scars there. What could those be from? Has she been injured in the past?

Sensing my gaze on her, she quickly releases her hair from its tie, allowing it to cascade down and conceal her back. As we disembarked from the jet, Jatin Kaka was already there, waiting for us with the car. I exchange a nod and engage in some small talk with him. Then, he turns his attention towards Vaani, who greets him with a warm smile and introduces herself with a gracious "Namaste."

Our luggage is loaded into another car, and we make our way to the one we'll be riding in. Just one more hour, and I'll finally be home. Unconsciously, my gaze once again drifts towards her. She seems lost in her thoughts, gazing out of the window, her eyes tracking the moon as she seeks solace within her inner turmoil.

This woman perplexes me to no end. I was genuinely taken aback when her so-called boyfriend arrived hand in hand with his new partner and they got married. She displayed a plethora of emotions in that moment, yet not a single tear was shed. It was evident that her eyes held a deep well of hurt and pain, but tears remained conspicuously absent.

I anticipated that when her child tragically passed away, she would cry rivers, as any mother would witnessing such a heart-wrenching event. However, even then, not a single tear fell from her eyes. Throughout the entire ordeal, I heard her express her agony, screaming at the cruelty of fate, but the act of crying seemed beyond her.

I find myself questioning whether she was merely performing to garner sympathy from those around her. It's difficult to fathom anyone not shedding tears in the face of such profound loss, especially the loss of a loved one.

I feel compelled to have a conversation with her, to gain a deeper understanding of the situation. If, in the unlikely event, she indeed staged these events solely to elicit attention and sympathy from others, she will witness a side of Aanvik Shekhawat that may even give the most formidable of monsters pause.

I spot the distant glow of lights, and a smile spreads across my face as I realise my home is coming into view. However, my mood takes a nosedive when I notice her opening the window and gazing at the mansion in utter amazement.

As the car comes to a stop at the main gate, I observe my family waiting there, my mom holding the Aarti ka Thal. Before she can step out of the car, I abruptly pull her towards me, gripping her arms with force. I notice her hand twisting slightly, but at that moment, I couldn't care less.

"Welcome to your personal living hell hole, Mrs. Shekhawat."

A short chapter! Finally, Vaani and Aanvik are together... I hope everything works out for them! Happy Reading. Like, Share and Follow.

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