Chapter 37

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I sprinted through the sterile white hallways of the hospital, the frantic beats of my heart mirroring the urgency of the situation

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I sprinted through the sterile white hallways of the hospital, the frantic beats of my heart mirroring the urgency of the situation. My mind raced with thoughts of Vaani, as I barged into her room. The sight before me froze me in my tracks, and a wave of shock surged through my entire being. Vaani sat on the hospital bed, a mere shell of her vibrant self. Numbness emanated from her like an invisible force, rendering her an emotionless figure. Her face, once radiant, was now swollen and dishevelled, a stark contrast to the beauty that usually defined her. Strands of her lustrous hair lay tangled and tousled, and her expressive eyes, which were once windows to her soul, now bore an emptiness that sent shivers down my spine.

In the room, an unsettling silence hung heavily, broken only by the subdued sounds of medical equipment and the occasional hushed whispers of family members. Maa and Anvi stood beside her, their faces etched with fear, paralyzed by the weight of the situation. I knocked softly on the door, breaking the stillness, and all eyes turned toward me. Vaani flinched at the sound, her fragile form reacting as though even the gentlest noise was a threat. My concern deepened as I observed her trembling, her reaction to the softest nod or the gentlest touch. I exchanged worried glances with Maa, who struggled to hold back tears, and Vi, attempting to offer comfort in the face of Vaani's evident distress. My gaze shifted to Dad, his fists clenched in a mixture of frustration and anger, mirroring the helplessness we all felt.

Gesturing for everyone to leave the room, I created a space for privacy. As the door closed behind them, I approached Vaani with cautious steps. Her fragile state demanded a delicate touch. My fingertips brushed lightly against her swollen face, the pad of my thumb tracing a feather-light path. Even this subtle contact was enough to elicit a sharp flinch from her as if the world had become a minefield of pain. Observing her acute vulnerability, I moved closer, attempting to reassure her. She recoiled, jumping off the bed with a sudden burst of energy that quickly betrayed her weakened state. Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed to her side, arms outstretched to catch her. She crumpled in my embrace, her fragile form succumbing to the overwhelming weight of whatever ordeal she had endured. As I held her close, the tumult of emotions within her finally took its toll, and Vaani surrendered to unconsciousness, her body limp in my arms. The room, once filled with an unsettling stillness, now held the echo of her silent suffering.

"Doctor!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and the lady came running towards me she insisted that I keep Vaani on the bed.

"Doctor, what's causing her frequent fainting and persistent weakness? My mom mentioned something on the phone but didn't provide details, and now she's flinching at every touch. It's concerning. Can you please explain what's happening?" I express my frustration to the doctor, and she responds with a sigh, gesturing for me to follow her out of the room.

"I am not sure whether the kids of the house should hear this or not?" The doctor looked towards Rudra and Anvi and then towards Dad. Dad was about to say something to the kids but they both stubbornly said no and with a sigh, I gestured to Dad to let them stay.

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