Chapter 13

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I find my way to the altar, settle into a seat, and wait for his arrival. A sense of numbness envelops me, and my mind remains unprepared to process or make choices. It's as though I've lost the capacity to think and respond.

I failed to assert myself when Sameer married Kaya Didi. I couldn't find the strength to stand up for myself when Didi publicly humiliated me in front of a hundred guests. Even when Chachi was willing to offer me to someone three times my age, I remained silent, unable to advocate for my worth.

I sat there, trying to make sense of everything that had unfolded in the past two hours. My hands were still stained with the blood of my lifeless child. I cast my gaze downwards, only to discover fragments of glass embedded in my palms, forearms, and even on my face. My entire body throbbed with pain from the blows and rough handling, but at that moment, I paid it no heed, for it ranked lowest among my worries.

I observe him as he advances towards me, his countenance contorted with anger. A shiver of fear courses through me, as he seems poised to unleash his fury on someone. His gaze shifts between me and the priest who is reciting the sacred mantras.

"Pandit ji," he commands the priest, his voice edged with authority. The priest, bewildered by our silence, looks at both of us before gathering his belongings and departing. Then, he approaches me and instructs me to rise to my feet. Impatience etches his features as I take a moment to stand.

"Oh, for heaven's sake, woman! How much longer will it take you to get on your feet?" he exclaims in a mixture of anger and frustration, his gaze directed down at me. Overwhelmed, I avert my eyes, tears welling up. I feel utterly drained, incapable of enduring anyone's wrath at this point.

I make another attempt to stand, but the weight of my lehenga and the wounds on my palms make it a difficult task. Letting out a groan, he scoops me up abruptly, gripping my arms roughly. A whimper escapes my lips as sharp pains shoot through my body. I wobble slightly, overcome by dizziness, and instinctively reach out to his arms for support. However, he promptly withdraws his arms from my grasp.

"Mom, Dad, can you please give us some space... we need a moment," he requests gently, and after a brief pause, they exit the room, granting us some privacy. My nerves intensify as the realization sets in that we're now alone.

"Now, Vaani, I need you to pay close attention," he begins solemnly. "Today, all of the people heard a lot of accusations about you from your sister and aunt. I don't believe their claims, but what baffles me is your silence. Why didn't you refute any of those sordid allegations when they were hurled at you?" His questions make me look down, not able to meet his gaze.

"When I ask you a question, you better learn to answer me and whenever you answer or say something, you look me in the eyes and then answer. Do you get, what I am trying to say or not? He yells at me, and I flinch because of his harsh voice.

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