Chapter 41

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"Do you Vaani Rajput and you Aanvik Shekhawat agree to the mutual divorce, and do you Vaani Rajput agree to the divorce without asking for anything in return?" The judge's voice roared across the court's walls and I gulped closing my eyes to calm myself down. After almost a minute of looking at my shoes, I calmed myself down and looked at Vaani to see her already looking at me. We both looked at each other and I offered her a small smile in return she smiled back and held my hand tightly before looking back at the lawyer who was staring at both of us confusingly.

"Yes!" We both say in unison and the judge stamps on the paper. He looks at both of us and then recalls everything that we have already heard a million times from our lawyers.

As we stood there, the judge's voice echoed through the room. "So, your divorce is finalized and as the final lease you both are given 6 months and if within that period you both decide against the divorce then the divorce will be null and void." After completing all the formalities, the judge let go of us. She waited for me in the room while I wrapped up my final discussions with my lawyer. Once our lawyers left, we were left alone to face the reality of our situation. We walked along the court walls, surrounded by the solemnity of the court. The silence was only broken by the sound of our footsteps echoing through the empty halls. We walked together without saying a word until we reached her car.

She kept all her things in the backseat of the car while I kept looking at her. I saw that even after keeping all her stuff she didn't turn to me. I could see her posture from her reflection from the window. I could see how she was trying to calm her breathing and by standing this close to her, I could feel the nervousness and awkwardness oozing out of her as to how to initiate the conversation. I can see her taking deep breaths and then she turns towards me with an uncertain smile. I could see her fidgeting with her thumbs nervously.

"I did not know that I am that ugly to look at that you would rather look at the dainty window rather than turn and look at me" I say to lighten the mood and that makes her turn back and look at me with a smile. She is beautiful. I am suddenly taken in a bear hug and it feels almost funny being caged between her small arms.

"Thank you so much Aanvik. I needed this. Thank you so much for the divorce and thank you so much for doing all of the work you are doing with me. I appreciate it. Thank you." As Vaani's murmured gratitude filled the room, a delicate atmosphere of fragile tranquillity settled around us. Her words, laden with a mix of relief and appreciation, hung in the air like the softest whispers of a breeze. Each syllable carried weight, resonating with the complexities of our shared journey. I held her close, feeling the subtle tremors of emotion coursing through her. Her embrace, though tentative at first, gradually melted into a poignant embrace of acceptance. At that moment, amidst the embrace, I sensed a peculiar serenity enveloping me—a tranquil oasis amidst the tumult of our turbulent past.

With each heartbeat, I tightened my hold, offering solace in the form of a comforting embrace. The warmth of our connection radiated between us, weaving a tapestry of understanding and forgiveness. Gently pushing her away, I studied her countenance, searching for traces of the woman she once was, and the woman she was becoming. In the depths of her eyes, shadows of sorrow and apprehension still lingered, remnants of the trials she had faced. Yet, amidst the lingering darkness, a glimmer of newfound hope danced—a beacon of resilience amidst the shadows. There, in the depths of her gaze, lay the intricate interplay of emotions—fear, sadness, and a newfound flicker of happiness. It was a delicate balance, a testament to the complexity of the human spirit. And at that moment, as I beheld the transformation unfolding before me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the opportunity to witness her evolution—to witness the emergence of a little more happiness in Vaani's world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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