Chapter 15

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"I am telling you for the last time Vaani, open the door or else it won't be good for you! Open the goddamn door

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"I am telling you for the last time Vaani, open the door or else it won't be good for you! Open the goddamn door." I could hear his voice raised in anger on the other side of the door, yet I couldn't muster the strength to open it. How could I face what lay beyond that door? How could I ever prepare myself to carry out the heart-wrenching act of cementing my child?

I can never find the strength to carry out the final rites for my son. How could anyone possibly expect a mother to undertake such a heart-wrenching task? My gaze sweeps around the room, which appears spotlessly clean and devoid of any signs of life as if it had never been inhabited. Yet, only I know the memories this room holds for me. Despite enduring some of the most agonizing moments of my life within these walls, this room also cradles precious memories of my beloved Zee. How can I simply walk away from this room, leaving it all behind?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I fondly recalled some cherished memories of moments shared with Zee. Glancing around the room, my gaze fell upon some of his drawings still adorning the walls. With a heavy heart and tears streaming down my face, I carefully removed the drawings from their spots and stowed them away in my bag.

Turning my attention to his makeshift drawer, I discovered paper rings and bracelets that he had crafted for me. A bittersweet smile tugged at my lips as I remembered how he had lovingly fashioned these for me. Gathering all these memories, I secured them safely in my bag.

After taking several deep breaths to regain my composure, I pivoted toward the door, determined to open it. My resolve, however, crumbled as the door suddenly swung open, revealing him with an angry countenance.

Without hesitation, he seized my hand, yanking me towards him, and I collided against his chest. With force, he pressed both of us against the wall, my body wedged between him and the unforgiving surface. He twisted my arms and scrutinized my face for any signs of discomfort. Upon finding none, he increased the pressure on my hands, eliciting a pained whimper from me.

"What did I tell you yesterday? I can't stand people who don't show me respect and listen to what I say! But you, you just refuse to listen, don't you? I've dealt with people like you before – it's like nothing registers in your mind until someone pushes you or humiliates you. Well, I'm looking forward to helping you get rid of that stubborn attitude. You're used to not listening to me, aren't you? I'm going to enjoy teaching you otherwise." He said while pressing more into me, leaving no space for even air to pass.

"Why were you just sitting in your room until now, when I told you we have to leave for Udaipur? Zeeshan's body is downstairs, and all the arrangements have been made. Everyone is waiting for you, but it seems like you're only concerned about your own time, isn't that, right?" he snapped angrily, his harsh words making me flinch. Now you will see what happens when you don't listen to what I say.

With that he starts dragging me downstairs and no matter what I say he doesn't stop. With that, he began forcefully pulling me downstairs, and no matter how much I pleaded, he showed no signs of stopping.

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