Chapter 5

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T.W. - RAPE.

I awoke from my deep sleep, checked the time, and found that it was 10 p

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I awoke from my deep sleep, checked the time, and found that it was 10 p.m. I carefully and slowly stood up, Zee soundly sleeping in my arms. I gushed about how cute he looked as I smiled at his cute little pout. Please, God, don't ever take away his smile and innocence. To make him more comfortable, I gently place him on the mattress and move my hands through his hair. My stomach grumbles, and I realize I haven't eaten anything since the morning. I get out of bed and look for my phone. When I noticed so many missed calls and deadlines, my eyes swelled the size of a tennis ball. Ugh! What made me sleep? So many deadlines were missed by me! How can I be so stupid? I begin to panic as I consider what will happen.

Earning money as a freelancer is already difficult. If you are not outstanding at what you do, you will not have good clients; although I consider myself to be quite good at what I do, I must be consistent, or I will not be hired. I am proud of my coding abilities, but it is difficult to get the trust of reputable organizations willing to pay you a reasonable wage, and I had all my bets placed on the four freelancing companies with whom I was affiliated. I managed to land these four companies, each of which paid well, but I was unable to complete their tasks. Why are all international schools so expensive? Oof! What am I expected to do about the fee? After nearly 30 minutes of fretting, I go to the main wing of the mansion and clear my throat to get Chachi's attention. Because I'm nervous, I fiddle with the end of my T-shirt. I'm not sure how I'm going to approach Chachi about the money.

"Abb khadi rahegi, maharani banke yap hir bolegi kuch" Chachi sneered, disgustedly looking at me. I take a step back and exit the kitchen. Fuck. I'm terrified and nervous. I'm not sure what will happen.

(Translation:- Now you will keep standing or you will talk?)

"Chachi, vo thode paise chahiye thee, iss baar kaam utna nahi mila isiliye paise arrange nahi ho paaye" I mumble in front of her, hoping she'll give me the money only this once.
 She approached me slowly and stood in front of me. I tried to move away to make some room, but she gripped my arms hard, her claws cutting into my skin. As the pain raced through my arm, I whimpered.

(Translation:- "Aunty, actually I need some money, I didn't get many assignments this time and didn't get as much work, so couldn't arrange the funds.")

"Please Chachi, just help me this time; I promise I will repay you with interest, and I am willing to pay double." I only require the fee amount, not even a rupee more. Chachi, please." She paused for a moment before smiling evilly at me. I gulped as I looked at her, knowing she meant problems for me.

"Fine, I'll pay the fee, but you'll have to wash my and Kaya's feet, and you'll have to agree to all of my demands for a month." Remember, one blunder and I'll cancel that bastard's admittance to the school." She warned me and challenged me with her gaze.
 I agreed to all she said and performed whatever she asked for without hesitation. All the work was completed around midnight. I swayed slightly, dizzy. After taking money from her, I will eat something.

I go upstairs and knock three times before entering her room, where I observe the mother-daughter duo watching a movie with a frown on their faces. I smiled affectionately at them, a sensation of desire rising in my chest. I move towards them and stand in the corner of the room, suppressing all my feelings. Kaya Didi is the first to see me and nods towards Chachi. She calls and asks me to massage their feet and shoulders. I groan tiredly and complete all of the tasks assigned to me without complaint. I'm dizzy again from lack of food and water, but I put the ideas aside and do whatever they order me to. I finally finished all of my responsibilities at 1 a.m.

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