Chapter 25

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I gaze at her unconscious form, lying on the bed with her hand bleeding, and I close my eyes, trying to quell the tumult of emotions within me

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I gaze at her unconscious form, lying on the bed with her hand bleeding, and I close my eyes, trying to quell the tumult of emotions within me. I can't understand why seeing her in this state pierces my heart so deeply. Despite my attempts to push her away, it feels as though I'm hurting her more and, in turn, my heart aches with the pain I'm causing. My heart recognises her innocence and yearns to shower her with love, but my rational mind always asserts control. I've witnessed people spiral into self-destruction by following their hearts, and I'm determined not to make that mistake. I'm not sure what kind of enchantment she's casting over me, but if this continues, I might be in serious trouble.

I struggle with my inner turmoil, clenching my teeth and fists. I know I should leave and not look at her, but I can't stop my eyes from wandering back to her unconscious form. It's infuriating. I feel like I'm on the brink of a precipice, and I have to push her away from me. I approach her with determined steps, studying her for a few moments, and then my gaze shifts to her injured hands. With trembling hands, I reach out to touch her hand, and she hisses in pain, even in her unconscious state. I quickly withdraw my hand and rise from the bed, my emotions in turmoil. Anger surges within me, and I close my eyes to regain control. I berate myself for causing her so much pain, for the wrong I've done to her.

Unable to contain my emotions, I march toward the mirror and shatter it with my right hand, then follow suit with my left. I glance back at her, and somehow, I feel a semblance of calm. It's a mystery to me why I hurt myself in the same place she was injured. I just... I don't know what comes over me when it involves this girl.

I look at my hand to see small glass pieces stuck in my knuckles. I get out of the room and go towards my office area to see Khanna already there. He looks at me with raised eyebrows but I don't pay any attention to him. I sit in my seat and look at him with a blank expression on my face.

"Sir! abb aapne kya kiya." Khanna asks in a bored tone and I look at him offended and angry. He laughs looking at me and takes out the first aid box from the drawer. He takes my hand and starts bandaging me while looking amused at my wounds.

"What are you looking so amused at my wounds, you fuck face?" I ask him and he starts laughing looking at me and I kick him in irritation. 

"Sir, you look so funny when you get hurt. That person would be so powerful because Aanvik Shekhawat is hurt." Khanna said in an amused tone and I groaned looking at his childishness.

"Khanna, we will talk about that powerful person in our free time, let's focus on work as of now. I see his demeanour changing from childishness and fun to a serious beast in a mere second. 

He handed me the documents, including the agreement with the Malhotra firm, and a wicked grin spread across my face as I perused their firm's paperwork. I glanced at Khanna, who also wore a sly smile, and we shared a knowing look.

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