Chapter 14

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I lower myself to the ground, seeking support from the nearby wall, my gaze fixed on the blank expanse before me

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I lower myself to the ground, seeking support from the nearby wall, my gaze fixed on the blank expanse before me. My mind is a swirling tempest of thoughts, attempting to process the whirlwind events of the past two hours. Emotions elude me for the moment, yet the weight of reality begins to settle in, seeping slowly into my consciousness. With a detached sense of awareness, I reach up to my forehead and encounter a gritty residue within my hair's parting, a tangible reminder of the vermilion applied by him.

My shock was palpable, written across my face like a story told in a single glance. As my eyes widened, a tremor passed through my body, leaving me momentarily frozen in disbelief. The weight of the realization pressed down on me as if a heavy shroud had descended upon my shoulders. At that moment, it was as though the world had shifted on its axis, leaving me to grapple with the abrupt and unexpected truth – I was now a married woman, and my husband hadn't even completed the wedding ritual.

Once more, tears welled up in my eyes, and a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me. My body cried out for sustenance in the form of food and water, as the combined effects of blood loss and a draining day began to take their toll. Despite my best efforts to rise from the floor, the weariness that had accumulated throughout the day finally overwhelmed me. Gradually, I succumbed to the encroaching darkness, the dizziness finally claiming me.

After successfully explaining and persuading his parents about their marriage, he made his way back to the wedding area, where he had left Vaani alone

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After successfully explaining and persuading his parents about their marriage, he made his way back to the wedding area, where he had left Vaani alone. To his surprise and confusion, he found her lying on the floor, her features etched with an enigmatic slumber. He presumed she had chosen to rest on the ground, perhaps to avoid facing anyone. Unbeknownst to him, the reality was that she had fainted due to the combined effects of dehydration, hunger, and blood loss.

He gazed at her for a moment, her innocent countenance evoking a twinge of doubt within him. Could he have been too severe in his judgment? But then, a resolute resolve surged back within him. No, he reminded himself, her family had spun a web of deception, with lies about her very existence followed by damning accusations. She had to bear the consequences of her family's deceit. How dare they entertain the thought of hoodwinking the Shekhawats? With that thought, he starts walking towards the door but something in him tells him to check on her.

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